Stitch In Fate

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It's like an army. A legion riding into battle. But it's not; It's the king's hunting party galloping towards Boleyn estate.

The king himself is behind the advance party; handsome, in his prime, surrounded by a dozen or so of his closest courtiers (among them the Duke of Norfolk), a grand, tough, intimidating lot. Bringing up the rear, another unit of armed guards, and a bearer.

The king's party arrived at Boleyn estate. Almost the entire Boleyn family was nervously assembled outside the house, which had been transformed at great cost. Huge marquees in the gardens. Fountains. Additional staff. Smart uniforms. New extensions to the stables and kitchens.

Mary and a few maids, too late to join the lineup, heard the commotion outside, and rush over to the window to see the approaching riders.

They scanned the approaching riders until they find the king.

"There he is!"

The young Henry Tudor is a dazzling, magnetic, intensely glamorous and handsome figure.

Everyone bows deeply in deference as the King arrived and dismounted athletically.

Thomas Boleyn was the first to take the king's hand.

"Sir Thomas!"

"Your Majesty, you are most welcome."

"Lady Elizabeth.."

Lady Boleyn curtseyed and took the king's hand to kiss it.

A servant in stiff, new uniform, with trembling hands, brought wine on a tray and the King accepted a glass.

"May I present my son, George." Thomas announced.

George, visibly nervous, bowed deeply from the neck.

Behind them, Sir Thomas Howard was upset as he searched for someone amongst the crowd, but found her not there.

"Your Uncle tells me I should have you at court. Should I?" King Henry looks between George and his uncle, sir Howard.

"It would be a great honor, Sir."

Inside the Manor during lunch, the king is introduced to William Carey as sir Boleyn's future son in law.

"To be wed to your daughter, certainly. But I see her not."

Thomas Boleyn cleared his throat in regret and looked to his wife for answers.

"I'm afraid our Mary Jane has lost herself in taking care of his majesty's dinner. She strayed in the woods gathering herbs for your meal. But she knows her way around, surely she'll be back to greet your highness for dinner."

"Perhaps we'll catch ourselves a doe on our hunt!" The king joked, referring to finding Mary Jane, and the table laughed.

It was an hour after lunch ended that William and George led the King and his party to a hunt in the woods of their estate. Deep inside, a stag, wide-eyed, innocent, lift it's head, the sound of the hunting bugle and the roar of approaching footsteps, like thunder. The stag twitched in fear, then bolt off deeper into the forest.

The dogs and riders roar across fields. The hounds snarl, almost delirious with primal agitation. Among the riders, the more advanced horsemen have already gone ahead of their weaker counterparts. In the advanced group, are Henry, several courtiers, and his guards.

They jump over a hedge. One of Henry's courtiers catches the hedge and falls. The king smiles, then turns to see the terrified deer bolt into the safety of the forest. The barking hounds, locked into the scent, follow.

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