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After some while, court life returned to normal. Mary Jane spent more time with the princess Mary than with either of her parents. Princess Mary was working on learning the French language, and lady Jane was appropriately assigned as a tutor for her given her French background. He father would be most pleased with her progress.

It was nearing winter now, meaning there would be many dances and dinners. Everyone came... with their families.

Henry and Catherine sat on their thrones, watching the festivities happen. One by one they were greeted by subjects, exchanging introductions and favors or progresses. After a while, someone came who attracted the attention of both the king and the queen.

"Mary Jane," Henry acknowledged her as she curtseyed. "We were expecting you'd be the first to see us."

"Apologies. I've been busy on an assignment. If I may, I'd like to introduce you to someone."

Henry gave her a puzzled raise of a brow, but granted it. He doubted she'd test him again, deliberately.

Jane turned sideways and invited her guest. The crowd parted to allow a girl to pass. Henry lit up at the sight of his daughter.

"Sweetheart!" Henry unabashedly bellowed.

"Comment ça va?" Princess Mary asked with a curtsey.

"Ah, tres bien, ma petite!" Henry's lull showed his approval. "Et tois?"

"Comme ci comme ça," Mary looked to the other Mary as the audience laughed, and Mary Jane encouraged her to continue.

"What is it, darling?" Catherine asked.

"Votre altese dancera-t-elle avec mois?" Mary asked her father for a dance.

Henry laughed pleasantly at his daughter's request. "Mais oui!" The king hopped off his throne to his daughter.

"Music!" He hollered, and there was music.

He danced with both Marys together, until the older one was called off by her brother. Henry danced with his daughter, but kept an eye on his lover. George gave Mary Jane off to her uncle. Now the king watched with special interest, given how Jane had been spying on Howard for him. Suddenly, Thomas Howard slapped her across the face, and Henry lost it.

"Sir Howard!" Henry yelled, scaring the young Mary near him.

Everyone looked to the king as the music dropped. Princess Mary ran to her mother while her father marched towards his prey.

Sir Howard made a short bow as the king came their way, but Mary Jane didn't alter her posture.

"Pray tell, what inspired you to harm such a pretty flower?" Henry looked between Thomas and Jane, the girl not once lifting her face.

"She is but a thorn!"

Henry swallowed, his hands twitching as he held them behind his back. His eyes darted a quick look to the foresaid thorn.

"She is a traitor to her family!" Howard openly accused his own sister's daughter.

"Indeed? Well, that's news to me. Mary Jane's done excellently in my service."

At this mention, there was a silent unanimous feeling of ooh. Everyone, including Howard, knew where Henry's favor lay.

Henry continued. "Nay, to my entire family. Isn't that right, m'lady?" Henry asked Catherine.

The Queen nodded.

"Well there you have it. I don't think you realize how special your niece is to us. You touch her again..." Henry leaned in to Howard, before turning to the crowd, "if anyone should lay a hand on Lady Mary Boleyn... they will have my wrath to deal with."

Henry looked sternly at Howard to make sure he got the point. Thomas stiffly bowed.

The king laughed to ease the tension and asked for music again as he lead Jane to dance.

"Are you alright?"

"You should not have done that."

"Not done what? Announce to the world what you mean to me?"

"He's my uncle," Jane clarified. "It was in his right to-"

Henry suddenly pulled her tight against his chest. "It is in no one's right to touch you, but I." He fixed a strand of her hair. "Or have you forgotten?" He smirked. "I can remind you again."

Jane blushed and looked away, her eye catching Mary's. She pulled away from Henry, her hand slipping from his as she made her way to the princess.

"I haven't."

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