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"You may go,"

Catherine whispered loud enough for Mary Jane to hear and the young lady was more than happy to run away, though her heart cried at her broken engagement.

Mary ran to the chapel, falling to her knees at the altar. Who gave these kings the right? Were they not men? Surely what the king was doing was adultery, and that was a punishable crime. Why did no one ever hold the king accountable!

The Mother Superior came to collect Jane, sending her off to attend to the princess Mary.

The two Mary's spent the whole of the princess's break time together. During her lessons, little Mary loved to find her distractions with the older Mary, and the instructor often chided the princess to pay attention. The princess went back to her lessons and Jane had to go back to the Queen.

She dreaded facing Catherine now, now that she knew what her husband was doing. Jane didn't want to stress her friend, lest she suffer damage to her baby, but as lady in wait, Jane was bound to go.

Jane quietly entered the queen's room and exchanged kisses, then picked up a cotton cloth to start a dress for the baby. Heaven forbid she make any shirts for the king now! Jane left the king's responsibilities to the queen.

Catherine asked her about how Mary was doing in her lessons, and they all talked about the new baby. There was also gossip about other lords and ladies and court, but no one dared to mention the king's own affairs. The Queen didn't call out Mary Jane's betrayal, instead keeping the room jovial with talks of party planning and meals and giving advice to young ladies in waiting. They discussed their needlework and exchanged notes. It was a regular day at work.

The day passed and dinner time came. King Henry was rumored to have had a busy day, and wasn't to be expected at dinner. Jane thanked her lucky stars. Any audience with the king avoided was a blessing. She'd never forgive him for her broken engagement or how he planned to use her to hurt her friend. Sure, Mary Jane wasn't entirely in love with William, but she loved Catherine more than she loved her own sister! Henry could at least have taken into account that the queen was pregnant with his child, hopefully his son.

Maybe it was God's way of punishing her for cursing against the king when a knock came on the door of her ladies in waiting chamber. Thankfully she was alone in the room. Jane shivered as she reached the door, half expecting it to be the king himself. But it was one of the king's personal guard. He made a quick bow, then produced a letter from his jacket to give to her. It had the king's seal. Oh heavens! He hadn't forgotten her! She let out a choked sob before breaking the seal to read the letter.

Mary Jane,

I can't seem to get you off my mind since I first laid eyes on you at the ravine. I seem to recall my abrupt exit from your home this last Sunday, when all you had done was offer me your home and tend to my wounds. How my mother must be turning in her grave over my impertinence.

I shall like to prove to you my thanks personally, and I invite you to join me in my chamber tonight once the Queen has retired.

I'm aware of your loyalty to your queen, seem to find myself the need to remind you that I am King of the English Empire. I don't take no for an answer. A member of my personal guard will be posted at your door, to bring to me once your attending to the Queen are done.

I eagerly await to host you.

Your King,

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