Nothing Compares

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Political tensions rose in England, keeping Henry far too busy for anything else. Jane was happy getting to return to her previous responsibilities. Men were busy with war planning to offer their women to the king. In an effort to display peace in his public life, Henry decided to take his family on a trip through town.

"Papa, I don't want to ride in the carriage," princess Mary complained, "I can't see anything anywhere!"

"Well, that's horrible indeed!" Henry agreed. "Perhaps we can get you your own horse?"

Mary spun in excitement. "A black one, papa?"

Henry laughed and picked her up. "You can have a blue one if you desired it so."

"And who's going to ride with you?" Catherine asked. "Surely your father has other matters to attend."

"Mary can ride with me!" The princess fell from the King's arm and went and grabbed Jane. "Oh please won't you ride with me, Mary Jane? I can't be sitting in the car with mum!"

"Of course she'll ride with you, love!" Henry announced. "Lady Boleyn's been taking lessons!" He winked at Jane as he swung onto his horse, and Jane reddened at the memory.

The plans were set and the party went out for a parade through town. It all seemed to be fine; King Henry gave his speeches and the people cheered for him.

And then they started through the shopping district.

The Marys' horse spooked, and it reared, causing the girls to fall. Before guards could stop him, Henry jumped off his ride. As he was distracted lifting his daughter, a secret assassin made multiple stabs at the king, and he collapsed. Princess Mary's screams startled the crowd, and Jane held Henry as the guards struggled to push through. Horsemen cleared the roads and footmen carried the King into Catherine's carriage, sending the ride racing back to the castle.

One guard went ahead of the carriage to have the castle staff be ready with the physician, and another stayed behind to take the Marys.

A crowd was waiting at the castle to remove the king, and they didn't waste a second running him to his room. Catherine remained outside for Mary, and rushed her daughter up to her chamber.

Mary Jane was left standing at the door, too stunned to move. She didn't realize someone was talking to her when Charles stepped up and shook her.

"Are you alright?" The king's best friend asked, looking her up and down.

"I'm..." She followed his gaze down herself and found blood covering her hands and dress. "It's... It's Henry's..." she managed to stutter.

Charles sighed and walked her up to her room. On his way, he ordered nearby maids to take care of Jane for the night. As she let things happen to her, Jane listened in on the conversations happening around her. Mostly they credited the attack to religious or political insurgents, but between whispers, they also considered blaming Jane. If she hadn't been so incompetent, the King would have had no reason to demount.

Once Jane was put in her night robes, she shooed the maids away and kept to her room with her gloomy thoughts. She was still awake in the morning when someone came to collect her for Princess Mary. Jane fixed her appearance and steeled herself to be a pillar of support for the king's daughter. She pushed Mary to continue her lessons for the day, to take her mind off of Henry. It provided Jane a good opportunity also to stop thinking about yesterday.

That was until Catherine came to get them. She supposed seeing his daughter would motivate Henry to get better. Jane went with, but quickly regretted her decision.

With no assassin apprehended yet, Jane was the closest to blame.

Princess Mary was sitting beside her father, egging him to get better. Henry managed to open his eyes briefly, looking at the people around him. His gaze was stuck on Jane when one of the advisors spoke.

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