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Okay, first things first. And you should just skip to the next paragraph if you haven't read the Afterword to my previous book, The Hunt for the Edge of the Forest, also available on Wattpad. Yes, I said I was going to do a book called 'The Netwar', but I decided to hold off on that. I'll do it after this, I promise. Okay, let's move on.

I was admired when one day sometime last year my father told me something. We were talking about Alaskan history for some reason. When I got into a bit about when we (The U.S; sorry if you're reading this internationally) bought it (Alaska), I was shocked to learn that Russia had owned it originally, not Canada. Sure, there once was a land bridge between the two countries, and it's probably less than 100 miles to Russia from the Peaking out bit of Alaska in the Northern bit, but it's connected to Canada! Maybe at least on one bit in time they owned it! I did some more research, and am now going to present to you a story proposing a theory Alaska was once owned by Canada. 

Aaaaaaaaaaaand... one more thing. Done in classic DC Comic fashion, like that of Stephen King's 'The Green Mile' and 'The Dark Tower' (Sorry SK if this breaks your copyright laws). I will release one issue of this story a week until the 15th of February, in four parts. You are reading the first, and send the angry letters before I go any further. You can find it under this story from the same link. Just type in "The Secret War of the North Pacific" every Sunday, and enjoy. Now forget I said anything and read the story.  

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