10: Naval Claim

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The Candians boarded S.S Moscow on the morning of January 30th, 1738. Like the Battle of Fairbanks, it was about six feet in snow. Their departure was delayed two hours due to the supply ramp being frozen to the dock. A maiden showed the Canadian spies their cabin on Deck B, which was small- Just an open window, three bunks, a bucket for bathroom usage, a stove, and a kettle of tea imported from Spain. The claim began around noon, when a soldier left the cabin and dropped the bucket of human waste onto the rudder. the top part bent down, and it started moving more to the right. Then another poured hot tea on the preserved musket balls (Russia preserved them in ice for better usage), causing them to fall out. At 6 p.m at night, it began. The spies raided the mess hall, and held the Russians eating dinner captive. One even started one of the original "food fights" (That was a joke ;) They then made their way to the trade storage and looted it all they shot open, shooting five times even though the boxes broke open in one. They banged them into walls, and through them into random rooms (That's where I got the food fight Joke). They destroyed the cabins. This went on for an hour, then held the captain captive and made him navigate the boat towards Big Diomede island. 

The next morning, they took control of the Russian boat. They made the captain navigate it to Little Diomede island, two miles away. They got it repaired and sent the crew off. They now had something else to do with it. But that would be after Russia claimed something of Canada's...  

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