Epilogue: Wait a minute...

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Now you're thinking, wait a minute, didn't Russia get Alaska? 


Here's what happened:

The Treaty of Moscow ended the war and gave Canada Alaska. In 1743, an explorer discovered a huge petroleum mine near Anchorage. Canada then proceeded to borrow about 500,000 pounds in today's money from The Netherlands to promote mi, ning of petroleum. It became a massive success, and Canada once again went to war over the rights to petroleum trade. And while, having lots of money in funds from petroleum, forgot to pay back their debt to The Netherlands, which was now estimated at being worth 6 Million Pounds in Today's money. They couldn't afford to have it any larger, or lose the war either. So after one Canadian victory in this new war, they signed The Second Treaty of Moscow to sell Alaska to Russia for 5.5 Million Pounds. They now paid off the debt, and now the war was Russia's problem. 

Now to some of the soldiers. Sanders was awarded a medal of honor and assistant General to General White. Sanders' Grandson became The Commander of the Canadian navy ship, The U.S.S Toronto, which won them Tecumseh's War in 1805. Today, his relatives are all in high positions of the British Army. 

White retired from the army after the war to become a writer. Like Sanders, a lot of his intermediate family became a high army position. He was inducted into the Montreal Army Hall of Fame in 1820. 

And now is the conclusion of a fact of a two year war, between two of the world's biggest empires, in a bloody conflict over what is today the biggest state in the United States of America. Hope to see ya soon. 

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