Albus: One

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The entrance to Diagon Alley wasn't new any of us. Lily has seen it many times when James and I go to school, she wasn't surprised by the wall parting at all. I was sure she was excited when she looked at the alley a little bit though, because she was finally getting to go shopping herself.

We walked down the street, past all the little shops towards Gringotts. We always had a little trip to Gringotts before we started our actual school shopping, because dad doesn't just carry thousands of Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts with him. The goblins opened the door quickly as we approached. Dad doesn't talk about it all that much, but one goblin told James, Lily, and I that they were scared he'd release a dragon on the bank if they didn't let him in as quickly as possible.

I knew this story so well, because Ron liked to tell it, just to brag about how badass Hermione was.

"Good afternoon." Dad said to the goblin behind the main desk.

The goblin looked up, nodded, then held out his hand. Harry dug into his pocket and handed over a key. The goblin took it, then handed it to a goblin behind him. The goblin led us to a cart and when we were all in the cart, it zipped down the tracks to the vault. I hated this and when the cart stopped, I almost hurled in Lily's lap after being launched forward in my seat a little bit.
After we were done in Gringotts, we split up. Mum took Lily to get her things, and Dad took James and I to get our things. As we were walking out of the last shop, I heard someone call my name.


I looked up and smiled "Hi, Scorpius!"

My best friend, Scorpius Malfoy, joined me and I kind of slowed down as I walked to have a conversation with him. We walked fast enough to keep up with my dad and James, but we lingered behind a little.

"What have you been up to this summer?" Scorpius asked me.

I shrugged "Nothing, really. James, Lily, and I spent a lot of time with Lorcan and Lysander. What did you do?"

Scorpius smiled "Dad and I went to our summer cottage a couple weeks ago. It was a real treat, because he usually has to work over the summer."

I smiled "When did you get back?"

"Last week, why?" Scorpius asked, rather confused.

I shook my head "No reason. I just thought-"

Scorpius quickly shook his head "No! I wasn't trying to make it sound like I was bragging, Al! It's just, we haven't been to the summer cottage in years!"

I smiled "It's okay, Scorpius."

I saw Rose a little ways away and waved her over. She turned to her mum, said something, then joined us.

"Hi, Al. Hey, Scorpius."

Scorpius swallowed and smiled "Hi, Rose." his voice sounded shaky to me.

Rose looked at me "How've you been?"

I nodded "We saw each other yesterday. I don't think my health has changed in the past twenty four hours. I'm fine."

Rose laughed and we started walking again; half jogging to catch up with dad and James. When we reached them, dad was in a half forced conversation with Scorpius' dad.

"....and you're sure about it?"

"Positive." Draco said, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Positive about what dad?" Scorpius asked.

Draco looked at his son "Auror stuff."

Scorpius appeared skeptical of that answer as he, Rose, and I sat down on a bench and waited for Lily and mum to join us.

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