James: Four

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I don't know how long I stared out blankly, but Fred, who'd gotten a letter from his dad, faceplanted into his eggs and toast. That pulled my attention from the wall to my right. Fred's shoulders kept shaking as he cried into his eggs. He was probably the closest to our grandma, other than Lily, because he was getting the results of her fear of losing him, too. Now, we'd lost her instead. Roxanne, who was sitting pretty far down the table with her friends, stood up and ran out of the Great Hall, cupping her mouth to muffle her crying.

I saw Lily turning out the door, too, and I couldn't see Albus anywhere. Rose was was lying on the seat she was sitting on, staring blankly up at the ceiling and Hugo was stuffing food into his mouth slower than before. Dominique was over at the Ravenclaw table, hugging Louis.

Lucy was hugging her sister, Molly, and it made me feel awful. The person she was named after had just died. Molly must've felt awful about it. Grandma definitely pampered her, Lily, and Fred the most. I heard an odd noise from Fred and it turned out to be from him sneezing into his breakfast.

I stood up and proceeded out of the Great Hall. I didn't usually go to class early, but today was different. I needed to breath. When I turned the corner to go to Charms, I saw Lorcan and Lysander comforting her. At least, Lysander was comforting her, Lorcan sat next to her, talking. I sat down in the back of the classroom and stared out until class started.

Charms is usually an easy A, but I retained nothing we were learning today. Everything sucked. The last thing I remember hearing before leaving class was we had to perfect the Summoning charm by Monday.

'Three days to perfectly be able to summon objects to me.' I thought 'Great! That's surely enough time for me to grieve, right?'

I collected my things and went to Potions. I hated that I had the class so early in the school day, but at least it was out of the way the rest of the day. It was going to be a great time, I decided.

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