Lily: One

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I was carrying robes wrapped in brown paper with my books stacked on top, smiling proudly. Mum ran her hand through my hair.

"Lily, how do you feel?"

I smiled "I'm ready to go to Hogwarts! I feel a little nervous, but I'll have James and Albus!"

Mum smiled and wrapped her arm around my shoulders "Well, remember, you can write your dad and I anytime. Okay?"

I nodded as we joined Dad, James, Albus, Rose, and Scorpius. I smiled "Hi, Scorpius."

He waved at me, then looked up when his dad said;

"Come on, Scorpius. We have to leave now."

He nodded "Bye, Al! Bye, Rose! See you in a couple days!" then he left.

I smiled and sat down in Scorpius' place. Rose flipped through the books in my pile, then looked up.

"Which class are you most excited for?" she asked.

I smiled wider and said "Transfiguration! I love the idea of turning things into other objects!"

"You'll start small, Lils." Albus told me.

I looked at him "I know that, Al!"
I jumped out of the fireplace with my school things under my arm, followed by my cousin, Hugo. He and Rose were given permission to come home with us this afternoon. When everyone was home, Hugo and I went up to my room to go through our school things. Rose and Albus joined us for a little bit.

"Do you think the professors will be nice?" Hugo asked.

I looked up when Rose said "Of course. The only one you might want to worry about is Professor Binns. He doesn't exactly make his class fun."

Hugo nodded and started to deal out Exploding Snap cards to each of us. Albus stood up quickly and left the room. I heard him say "Nope! Not this game again! I'll never play that again! Not after last time!"

I giggled, thinking about how George had once dealt out a game of faulty cards and Albus happened to be the unfortunate one whose eyebrows got incinerated off. Now, he refuses to go anywhere near a deck of Exploding Snap.

We had been playing for a while when I heard mum's voice call up to us.

"Rose! Hugo! Time for you to go home!"

I passed back my cards and Hugo put them back in his card box. We stood up and I gave him and Rose a quick hug before they left the room. I waved and said;

"See you later!"

They waved back in response, then hopped down the stairs to the living room. I turned back toward my school things and started packing them into my trunk. My books went first, because they were the heaviest. Then, my robes. Then, my small assortments, like pens, pencils, quills, etc.

I pushed my trunk into my closet after latching it up, stood up satisfied, then flopped onto my bed with a book. I was positive that this year was going to be a good one.

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