Albus: Three

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I don't know what time I woke up, but I know that it wasn't the right time to get up. Sometimes, sleeping in the Slytherin common room is comfortable. But a lot of the time, it's not. It's cold and drafty, and I don't do well sleeping in drafty places. Just ask mum and dad.

I went out into the common room and lay on the couch closest to the fire. It didn't help, because the couch's were very far from the fire. So, my next instinct told me to lay down on the floor next to the fire. And I did. It was nice, but now I was too warm and couldn't go to sleep. I didn't want to get any further from the fire, because then it'd be too cold, so I just lay there on the floor suffering for a while.

I stood up when Scorpius asked tiredly;

"Albus? What're you doing on the floor?"

I looked at him. He was very tired, because he was rubbing his eyes constantly and every other minute he was yawning. He was also pulling his bed robe tightly around himself.

"I was cold." I said plainly.

Scorpius yawned and collapsed backwards on a couch. He pushed his hair out of his eyes "You do this every other week, Al. Why don't you just request some more blankets? I'm sure the house elves would get you sorted."

I shook my head "My aunt Hermione strictly told us-"

"You do whatever Hermione tells you? She's not your mum." Scorpius leaned forward and whispered "Or is she?"

I pushed him against his forehead and laughed "Gross! No, she's not!"

Scorpius laughed and stood up. He walked over to a mirror that hung above the fireplace and combed out his hair with his fingers. I watched him make this fuss over his hair, before I stepped in and said;

"Why do that, Scorpius? Rose told you before. She likes you as a friend. The literal definition of friendzone."

Scorpius looked at me "Well, just because you decided to give up hope on her and I, doesn't mean I have to give up hope on her and I."

"She literally put you in the friendzone!" I told him; louder than I expected.

Scorpius rolled his eyes and turned back to the mirror; ruffling his bangs slightly to add a tousled effect. I shook my head.

"Why do you even care? We've got four years until we leave school. We don't need romantic relationships at thirteen. There's a muggle girl who lives on my street a few houses down who had a romantic relationship at twelve. She's now eighteen and already has a four year old."

Scorpius scrunched his nose up at me "Dude, what I want to do is secure a romance with Rose in the future, so I don't have to work that hard then."

Albus raised my eyebrows "You do realize that she's the daughter of two people who had a love-hate relationship for six years, until someone's dad-" I pointed to myself "-'drugged' him to make him reveal his true feelings."

Scorpius shook his head "Not exactly. Because it is very clear in the history books that Ron and Hermione continued their love-hate relationship until the battle of Hogwarts. And, according to an interview from Ron, he started to gain feelings for Hermione when he was fourteen."

"Yeah, but he didn't really realize them until he was seventeen, when he was helpless in saving her from Bellatrix Lestrange."

Scorpius swallowed a little at the mention of his late great aunt "Yeah, well, technically you're wrong, Al. Because it was in the Room of Requirement that Ron and Hermione had their first kiss."

"Again, they were seventeen and a war was happening. Also, you can realize you have feelings for someone without them knowing."

Scorpius sighed "Can we just drop this, Al? It doesn't matter anyway."

I laughed as I continued to watch him. Finally, he was done and we headed out to the library. We were stopped in the corridor by Renee Lyfield, who looked at me with a warm look.

"Potter. The Slytherin quidditch team needs a new Keeper. I was hoping you'd come to tryouts."

I smiled "I'll think about it."

Renee looked to Scorpius, didn't say anything, but gave him a look of 'Get him to tryouts!'

Scorpius did an OK symbol with his hand, then shuffled me down the hall. He leaned in to whisper something in my ear.

"What was that about?" he asked.

I sighed "She threw a paper at me yesterday and I stopped it without turning around."

"What? Dude, when was this? I was with you the entire day yesterday."

I looked to him "When I was waiting for you outside the restroom, Scorpius."

"Oh," he said "well, are you gonna go to tryouts?"

I shrugged "I said I would think about it, but I am seriously thinking I should."

Scorpius smiled "Well, if you go to tryouts, I won't have to."

"How does that work?"

He sighed "Oh, you know. Dad said before we left for King's Cross, 'If Albus doesn't tryout for the Quidditch team, you must.' it doesn't make sense, but that's what he told me to do."

We walked to the library in silence the rest of the way. When we reached the library, very few people were there. In fact, there was one other person there and Lily didn't not seem pleased about it.

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