Albus: Two

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Scorpius, Rose, and I sat in a compartment with a pile of sweets from the trolley. Rose and Scorpius kept shoving sweets into their mouths some much, our conversations kept getting interrupted by one of them coughing up a large piece of candy.

"Hey, Al? What's the long face for?"

I looked up at Rose "No reason. Just thinking about Lily."

"Stop worrying about your sister. She'll be fine." Scorpius advised "Besides, any kind of worry for someone your care for could cause a downfall in school performance."

I rolled my eyes "I don't need a talking to from you, Scorpius."

Scorpius pulled out a copy of The Lightning Thief and went with it to pass the time. Rose and I played a game of wizards chess, even though we had to set the pieces on the board for them to rearrange themselves again, because the train car bumped upwards a little. I didn't like that aspect of playing wizards chess on a train, but it was better than Exploding Snap.
We had been sitting there for a while with an occasionally pop-in from Lily and Lysander; who were sitting in the next compartment. Lysander popped in again and Rose left to go change in Lily's compartment. When we were done changing, Lysander in the compartment, waiting for Rose to return so he could rejoin Lily.

When the train came to a stop, Scorpius, Rose, and I got off and made our way to the carriages. Professor Flitwick was standing at a set of gates with a clipboard and pen, checking off students before ushering them onto the carriages. I didn't pay any attention behind me until Flitwick had checked our names off his papers and we sat down in the carriage and he raised his voice.

"No Weasley Wizard Wheezes products, Miss Wood! That became a rule in 1996, and it still applies today!"

I didn't know Katie Wood even went into George's joke shop, but there was Flitwick throwing a confiscated love potion into a pile off to the side. She was checked off his list and ushered into our carriage and I had to hide my face by looking down into my lap if I didn't want Katie to see my bright red cheeks.

Scorpius and Rose laughed to each other and Katie watched them curiously before attempting to ask me. But I just turned away.

"Don't ask me. I've no idea why they're laughing."

When I looked back out of the corner of my eye, Katie was looking out the back of the carriage, occasionally looking over at Scorpius and Rose with a weird look plastered across her face. I sunk into my seat halfway, knowing I blew any of my chances of being cool to her.

'I'm such an idiot!'

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