Lily: Three

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"Lily, what are you doing?" Albus asked me.

I looked up at him "I was going to leave, but the doors locked and I didn't know what to do."

Scorpius squinted his eyes "Just scream, I'm still in here! The librarian will come back to let you out."

I frowned at Scorpius before turning to Albus "Do you know what's for breakfast?"

He shook his head "It's 6:00 o'clock. Breakfast doesn't start until 6:30."

I stomped my foot on the ground before marching away down the halls, where started getting lost like I did the day before. It took me twenty minutes before I found myself in a basement corridor. I assumed the basements of Hogwarts were different from the dungeons of Hogwarts, because Albus always complains that the dungeons are frigid cold all the time and this corridor was nice and warm.

I jumped slightly when the lid of a barrel slammed against the wall and Lorcan climbed out of one.

"Lorcan? So, that's the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room? Must be a tight fit."

Lorcan smiled "Yeah, I guess it is. But, not for me." I smiled slightly as Lorcan did a small bow before closing the barrel lid. He looked back at me "Also, did I scare you when I came up?"

I almost nodded my head yes, but quickly shook my head.

"N-no. I thought I saw... a..." I saw a spider crawl across the wall "...spider. The little guys just freak me out."

This was a lie, because I love spiders and Lorcan did startle me, but I didn't want to tell him that. Lorcan chuckled.

"Are you lost again?" he asked. I sighed and nodded, which made him laugh "Come on. I'm going to meet Lysander in the Great Hall."

Lorcan and I walked tot he Great Hall together, talking about everything our minds could think of this early in the morning. When we reached the doors to the Great Hall, which stood wide open, Lysander approached us in his robes. If you met the twins in real life, you may not be able to tell them apart right away, but if you watch them closely while they're together you can see that Lorcan is the more out-there type of brother and Lysander is the reserved and quiet type of brother.

"Hey, Lily." Lysander said as Lorcan and I approached him "How's your morning?"

His robes started to buckle tightly around his waist, so he undid the clasps holding the robe shut. His figure was thin and string-y, which is the completely opposite of Lorcan; who has a lot more meat on his bones. A gust of wind blew in from a window, which made Lorcan's hair blow up from it's nicely combed state and Lysander's hair swept in front of his eyes even more, making him spit out his bangs like a bunch of hay was just shoved into his mouth.

"My morning's going great. I got lost a little around the Hufflepuff common room, but Lorcan helped me out."

Lysander smiled slightly and we went into the Great Hall for breakfast. As we ate breakfast, the mail arrived and I watched with a large smile on my face as owls swooped down to drop of their owners mail. I was happy when I saw our family owl, Remy, swoop in and drop of a letter for me and my brothers.

I opened it and read the content in it, which made my smile completely fade.

Dear Lily,

Your mother and I are incredibly sorry we have to tell you and your brothers this through a letter. Your grandmother died in her sleep last night. I don't know if you'll be able to come home for a week or so, but Headmistress McGonagall will let you know when you can, if you can. I'm sorry, Lily. We'll all miss her deeply.

Your loving father,

I couldn't believe what I just read so much, I just dropped the letter in my eggs and ran out of the Great Hall. I wanted to find a quiet place. But how was I supposed to find a good crying place if Hogwarts was filled with students?

PotterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora