Kuina - Where are you

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Plot: yall reader for another gay one?! I love writing gay ones so much!!!!! Basically y/n vanishes and then Kuina finds us at the beach :D

Word count:1532

Spice level: 🔥

*Kuina's P.O.V*

Why isn't she picking up...

I roll over onto my side and stare at the light reflecting from my phone. The contact of my girlfriend shines in the darkness of my room. She hasn't picked up in three days. Sure, it was normal for her to just not text back for hours...but she always picked up my calls....always.

I groan to myself before sitting up in my bed before sliding out with a deep sigh. I bite my lip before grabbing the comforting packing of cigarettes.

I drag myself to my sliding door that leads to my balcony and harshly push it open- not caring out the noise I made in the tall yet small apartment building I lived in.

I leant against the cold metal rail while shivering at a cold breeze blows by. I pull out a simple death stick before tapping it against the box. Sliding out the blue lighter from my pocket I place the cigarette between my lips before starting a spark at the lighter.

I bring the flame the flame to the end of the stick and lightly inhale to start the burning process all while leaning up to look at the sky.

"Where are you?"

*Y/n's P.O.V*


The hands are instantly removed from my waist and shoulder as I wake up from my place tied up on a chair.

"Uh- I told you she was violent sir!" The male is installs dismissed out the room by who looks like the leader.

"I'm sorry for the way you were brought here. You see we thought you'd fit in well here given how well you play in games. You've played 5 games in the last week...why"

I glare at the male before laughing slightly. "I wanna get out of this fucking hell that's why! I've got a fucking like you know?! I've got a girlfriend waiting' for me!" I thrashed around in the chair- this shit was hurting my back.

I see a slight widening in their eyes at the mention of girlfriend but no one seemed bothered by it.

"Well that explains that..."

I raise an eyebrow at the comment by I'm cut off from commenting by a clearing of someone's throats.

"Welcome to the beach"

*Kuina's P.O.V*

"Mam! I'm here!"....no reply...


I explore the house to find it empty. She said she'd be in all day?
No she has to be in all day, she's ill.

My mother only lived a few streets away so I never saw the need to check before coming if we already planned it.

"Maybe she went out?"

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