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„Soo...Should we start our little Tour?", I asked the new student who actually seemed to be a little nervous.
„Sure", he awkwardly smiled at me.
I mean, he was supposed to meet a teacher and now a complete stranger is going to show him everything.

I started showing him the school. We went to the secretary's office first so he could get his uniform and schedule.
While he went into the office I waited for him outside and tried to think of a way to take his nervousness away.
I thought about some questions I could ask him.

After some minutes Chan came back.
„Soo...Where are you from?", I asked him.
He looked at me and said „I'm from Iksan . I just recently moved here with my family".
„Welcome in Daegu then" I gave him a sweet smile.

While we continued chatting, I could see his nervousness disappearing.
I showed him everything, from the cafeteria all the way to the chemistry, music and dance room.
Yes, here in my school we have dancing lessons, which is super cool!

After I showed him everything we still had some time, so we went to the cafeteria again, grabbed something to eat and sat down at a table.

„Thank you so much for showing me the school", he said smiling softly.
„You're welcome" I replied, before I started eating my sandwich.

„Can you maybe go to class with me in the next few days? It's still so different from my old school", he pleaded, scratching his neck. He seemed a little embarrassed to ask that.
„Of course! That's no problem for me. It can be really confusing I know that", I smiled at him. He looks so relieved when I said that.

We just sat there and continued eating and chatting a little bit.

Shortly after we finished eating our food we heard the school bell ring, so we went to our next class which was English.
Since the seat right next to me was still free, the teachter told Chan to sit down next to me.
Class started and the teacher gave us some exercises.

I am normally quite good with English, but I really didn't understand that exercise.
I just stared at my book. I must have looked really confused, because Chan noticed it.

„Is everything okay?", he whispered to me.
„Oh...I don't understand what I have to do here."

He let out a soft giggle, came a litte bit closer and started to explain it to me.

»Wow, he is so good at English« , I thought.

After he explained it to me, it was so much easier for me to do my tasks.

„Thank you", I muttered quietly. He just looked at me and smiled.

My new Classmate || SVT Dino FFWhere stories live. Discover now