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After some more minutes of Dino and you talking and laughing over the most random things, the waitress came to clean the table and so we could pay.
I was taking out my wallet and was about to pay when Dino took my wallet from me and put it in his bag.

„Hey!! I was about to pay!" I said

Dino did say nothing and just took out his wallet and payed.

„Why did you do that?? I told you I would pay!!" I faked to be mad.

He took my hand what made me look at him.
„I'm a Gentleman. Of course I'll pay for you" he said and smiled at me softly.

Just the touch of his hand and the soft smile he gave me felt so special. It made me feel special.

The Waitress was still standing there to give Dino his change.
She was just looking at the whole scenario and said
„You two make a great couple" and smiled.

What she said made me blush.
Do we really look like a couple?
I looked at Chan who was still smiling at me and holding my hand while I was still having pink cheeks.

We indeed looked like a couple in that moment. It was kinda cringe, not gonna lie. But It was also a kinda funny situation.

She just giggled, gave Dino his change and left.

„C-can I have my Wallet back?" I said stuttering.
Why? Because it was KIND OF embarrassing as well.

Dino started to giggle again and gave me my wallet without letting go of my hand.

I took my wallet and put it in my bag.

„Why did you just took my hand out if nowhere?" I asked and sounded quite shy.

„You told me that I should make you blush more often so I'm just trying to do that. I told you that you look cute with pink cheeks so I want to see them more often. They suit you very well" he said showing me a smile that makes him look like ':D' this emoji.

„E-.. We should go to school, right?" I said kinda stuttering again.

„Yeah we should" he once again said softly.

He let go of my hand and we both put on out jackets again, put out backpack's on and started going to school.

On the way I started rubbing my hands against each other because my hands were freezing. It's really cold in the mornings sometimes.

Chan seemed to notice so he took one of my hands again as he was walking right next to me and put our hands into the pocket of his jacket.

I have to admit, he knows how to let a girls heart beat faster. And he knows how to make them blush as well. Because thats exactly what happened once again.

I looked at him and saw his side profile. He really is handsome.
He is Handsome, Sweet, Kind and caring. Damn.

„Is it better now?" he said in a kinda deep voice. It gave me goosebumps.

„What?" i said being confused

„Your Hand. Is it still freezing?"
„Ohhh.. No my hand is fine now" I said while smiling bright.

We just continued to walk to school like this.
With him holding my hand and warming it up in his pocket.
This was such a nice feeling.

My new Classmate || SVT Dino FFWhere stories live. Discover now