love interest

190 9 3

after another exciting day with hyunjin, haseul, yeojin and vivi, heejin finally arrived at her dorm and immediately laid on the sofa.

hyunjin followed along, looking more excited than usual.

"what's up with you? did they have another sale at the mall?" heejin asked.

"no, but i wish" hyunjin pouted. heejin wanted to squish her adorable cheeks.

"so what's up?" 

"well..." hyunjin threw her bag on the floor and jumped on the sofa. "you'll never believe it!"

"just tell me!" heejin exclaimed.

"me and yeojin have been observing for a while, and i think after today we can confirm that haseul and vivi like eachother!"

heejin's eyes widened. "really?"

"definitely! when haseul tried on that red dress at the mall today, vivi literally drooled over her! it was SO obvious! and when vivi did those pretend model poses with the scarf, haseul was smiling so hard that her mouth could rip! not to mention how many times we caught haseul making googly eyes at vivi" hyunjin excitedly squeeled.

heejin sat up from the sofa. "oh my gosh! that's the cutest thing ever! but how do i know you guys aren't just overthinking things?"

"oh come on! it literally could not be more obvi-" hyunjin was interrupted with a knock on the door.

she opened it, to find a desperate chaewon in the doorway. 

"oh, hey chaewon!" hyunjin turned to heejin. "this is my friend from robotics class!"

heejin chuckled. "since when do you take robotics, you nerd?"

"it's super duper fun! one day i'll create the biggest robot and it'll crush you into pieces!" hyunjin pouted.

"well i certainly am crushing on-- wait what? snap out of it heejin! what are you saying!?" heejin thought.

"whatever you say, captain! anyways, my name is heejin, nice to meet you!" heejin got up and reached out for a handshake.

chaewon shook her hand back. "hey, i'm chaewon! hyunjin has told me so much about you!" she smirked.

"really? like what?" heejin asked.

"so what's up chaewon?" hyunjin interrupted. heejin shook it off.

"have you seen sooyoung anywhere? i need to talk to her."

"i remember last seeing her in the lounge reading a magazine. is everything okay?" hyunjin asked.

"uh- yeah! everything's perfect! i just need to.. ask her about... h-homework!" chaewon nervously stuttered.

heejin and hyunjin looked confused. 

"i'll go check the lounge!" chaewon spurted out.

"alright, see you la-" she was interrupted as chaewon had already dashed off.

hyunjin closed the door and sat back down on the sofa.

"what was that about..." heejin confusedly asked. 

hyunjin shrugged. "no idea. her and sooyoung aren't even in the same class anywhere! i'm not sure why she'd lie."

"i'll pretend to know who sooyoung is" heejin giggled. "does chaewon like her or something?" heejin felt a little dumb for asking this.

hyunjin burst out laughing. "as if! chaewon is already dating a girl named hyejoo! they've been together since freshmen year of highschool, there's no way they'd let anyone come between them!" 

"how was i supposed to know!" heejin pouted. "you and the others are practically my only friends!"

hyunjin gave heejin a big hug. "i will predict that you will have many more friends if you socialize more often!" 

heejin didn't rebel, as she wanted hyunjin to keep hugging her. it was absolutely heaven.

"i'll give it a try..."


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