welcome to college

637 20 14

as heejin stepped into the front doors of her dorm building, her nerves began building up. 

jeon heejin: a single child, hoping her dreams of being successful will come true... after college.

heejin took one more breath in and went to find her room. 

she contemplated whether she should just turn around and go back home. she had no friends, she had no one with her.

now, what bothered her the most? her roommate. she wondered if she was gonna get along with her, or squabble with her almost every day. 

she turned another corner and found her dorm room; 304. nervously, she took out her dorm key and stared at the keyhole. 

"snap out of it heejin... it's just college. what can go so wrong?"

she unlocked her door and found a gorgeous girl sitting on her bed, eating a loaf of bread.

"welcome to college!"

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