Chapter 2

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When I got into the bathroom I let out a huge sigh on slumped against the door "I really need to tell them" I whispered to myself I quickly got changed I didn't take my binder of though because one disphoria and two they'll obviously find out because to be honest I didn't have the smallest chest but I'm not gonna think about that now .

I rushed out the bathroom only to see that kageyama was still changing he was shirtless with only his gym shorts on "AHHHH" I shouted as my face heated up and I covered my eyes "Stop screaming dumbass"
Kageyama said with a light pink blush on his face "hehe sorry" I said then ran out of the room slamming the door behind me.

During practice
As I was running around and practicing I started to feel a sharp pain in my chest I ran over to Daichi and asked if I could take a break he said yes but told me to make it quick so I ran into the locker room forgetting to lock the door I took of my t-shirt and pulled the binder away from my chest breathing heavily. All of a sudden the door handle started to twitch I tried to hide myself but failed badly then the gray haired male walked in "hey Hinata you seemed kinda breathless before you.." after he realised what he had just saw his eyes widened I just broke down and started crying.

Suga's pov
I came in to check on Hinata and saw him out of breath wearing what looked like a chest binder I automatically locked the door and kneeled down beside Hinata and rubbed his back comforting him
"I'm sorry" "Hey Hinata calm down it is ok it is perfectly ok" Hinata sniffled "but Suga you don't understand I'm not a" "Hey I'm gonna stop you right there Hinata it doesn't matter about your physical appearance it matters about what's in your heart and mind and I want you to know that you are valid" Hinata sobbed even more "thank you Suga" I smiled and said "hey no problem now you should probably get changed and start heading out it's almost the end of morning practice" hinata then smiled and ran of.

There's the next chapter tell me if you liked it

The secrets we keep[trans Hinata x kageyama]Where stories live. Discover now