Chapter 5

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When we got to Kageyama's house I went straight into the bathroom to shower the bathroom was connected to Kageyama's room which was pretty cool. I showered trying not to look down at myself I got out the shower put on a sports bra and a baggy t-shirt and stared at myself I was scared that he would notice but I walked out of the bathroom and he said nothing. We both sat on his bed watching tv "what do you wanna watch" kageyama said "hmmmm idk something funny" he put on a movie and we started to watch it half way through the movie he spoke up "hey Hinata?" "Yeah" he turned to face me fully "what were you and Suga talking about yesterday" I was shocked that he wanted to know "oh ummm we were talking about..."
"Talking about what"he said " we were talking about.....about...." "TALKING ABOUT WHAT DUMBASS"

I panicked and shouted "WE WERE TALKING ABOUT PRIVATE STUFF OK MIND YOUR BUSINESS"his eyes widened I don't know why I said that I guess I just panic under pressure.

"Ok I guess" he said as he fell back into his bed
It was silent for a moment "are you hungry" I jumped up and smiled "YEAH"

Time skip to after they ate
"Bakayama I'm bored" he sighed and said " what do you want to do then" I smiled knowing exactly what to do "LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE" I shouted "ugh fine"
"Ok truth or dare" I asked him

"Truth I guess" I smirked then asked "who was the person in the picture I couldn't see there face bc someone drew all over it" his eyes widened then said plainly that it was his ex boyfriend "b-boyfriend" I said his face turned red as he said "y-yeah you got a problem with that" I waved my hands quickly in front of my face "No no not at you like boys"

"And girls.." I shouted ok then we carried on with the game

The secrets we keep[trans Hinata x kageyama]Where stories live. Discover now