Chapter 25

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Hinata's PoV
Me and kageyama just hung out in my room for a bit
"Holy shit Hinata it's been almost 12 hours you have to take of your binder" Kageyama said as he looked at his phone "I'll be fine" I said I was feeling dysphoric since we came back from school "no you won't be fine you'll be in pain now get up"I sighed and stood up "here" Kageyama said throwing one of his hoodies at me I smiled at him then went to go change.


The next day we both turned up to practice even though we didn't want to I tried to ignore Tsukishima but he kept on staring at me not like an angry stare just a stare. During practice I kept thinking about all the stuff Kageyama said about me the day before I was filled with this overwhelming confidence and I decided that I felt that I should tell them so I slowly walked over to suga giving me time time think when I got over to him I whispered "I wanna tell the team" he looked at me with a huge smile "now" he said and I nodded suga called everyone over and I stood at the front which was weird I felt like I was back in elementary school anyways I started to speak "Umm so I've been thinking a lot and especially with what happened yesterday I really need to say this Umm so I'm trans it's basically where I was born well a girl but I was born in the wrong body so on the inside I was a boy so yeah I'm a boy now" I said that stuttering a bit it was quiet for a while after that before nishinoya spoke up " but you look like a boy"

"Well I mean I am" I said chuckling awkwardly
"Well yeah I mean like physically" he said I explained why and how. Everyone was really supportive as we cleaned up the gym Tsukishima pulled me outside "what are you doing" I asked him

"I'm sorry for yesterday I didn't mean it in an offensive way I really didn't know that you were trans"
I smiled at him then said it was ok

If you guys can't tell I'm literally running out of Ideas I'm probably going to post more things about Kageyama and his family and hinata meeting Kageyama's parents Umm but yeah I also am going to make another book after this one bc I really enjoy it it'll probably be mha one or another haiku yh one of its a mha one it'll probably be a trans one

I said probably like a thousand times

The secrets we keep[trans Hinata x kageyama]Where stories live. Discover now