Chapter 58 i think idk

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Possible tw dysphoria and accidental miss gendering

Hinata's PoV
It was the next day and I was in school walking to maths Kageyama was in my class which was nice but I got stopped by someone "Hey uhh do you know where G13A is?" The tall male said "oh yeah you just walk straight then take a left then it will be there there's a sign on the front of the door aswell" I told him "thanks Umm also this might come of as weird but you're really pretty would you want to maybe go out sometime?" He asked me which was pretty shocking "oh I'm sorry I have a boyfriend" I told him
"Oh that's a shame you seem like a really nice girl but thanks anyways" he said then he walked of I froze for a second I tried not to get upset instead I just walked to class.

I got there and quietly sat down because I was late "why are you late?" The teacher said "I don't know" I said as I stared out the window "just a reminder class 1r that as soon as the second bell goes after lunch you have to be here or detention" she said I didn't really care because I didn't have anything to do after school and getting mis gendered threw me of.

Time skip to after noon practice
After practice I started heading back to the class because I had detention "Shoyo where are you going?" Kageyama said "I have detention remember I'll be home in an hour" I said then walked of.

Another time skip to after the detention

I walked through the door of my house tiredly seeing my mom stood at the sink (a thing I've noticed is that she's always at the sink I'm sorry it's the only thing I can think of) I tried to avoid her but she didn't let me "um get your ass back her young man" she called out to me I sighed turning around and walking towards the kitchen bench "what" I said
"Where were you Kageyama came back an hour ago" she said "I was in detention" I told her "Again Shoyo seriously!" She said with a disappointed look on her face (someone told me I have to make Akari more realistic and make her act like a real mom so) "this is ridiculous what did you do?" She asked me "I was late to maths class 4th period that's it" I said then walked upstairs.

I got to my room and said hi to Kageyama "I've not taken a shower for two days so let's go" I said grabbing his hand and some clean clothes then going into the bathroom.

I got undressed started the shower and started showering I wasn't in the mood to sing or talk to Kageyama so I just showered but I started feeling really dysphoric I just looked down at myself in discomfort I started shaking and decided that I couldn't do it I rinsed the soap off of me then said "give me the towel I'm getting out" to Kageyama he just said "you've only been in there for a few minutes are you ok?" He placed the towel in my hand I rapped it around myself "No I'm getting" I said my voice cracking and tears forming in my eyes I got out of the bath trying not to slip and ran to my room locking the door I put on one of Kageyama's hoodies quickly and unlocked the door I got under the blanket and stayed there Kageyama crouched down in front of the bed so he was level with my face I stood up next to him "Tobio look at me" I said grabbing his face and pulling it towards mine he went in for a kiss but I swerved it

I got undressed started the shower and started showering I wasn't in the mood to sing or talk to Kageyama so I just showered but I started feeling really dysphoric I just looked down at myself in discomfort I started shaking and decided that I cou...

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(I'm sorry this chapter was supposed to be serious but I just can't)

"Does my face look feminine?" I asked him he just shook his head I sighed sitting down "why did someone say something" he asked me I just said "yeah but it's not a big deal"

This chapter was supposed to be longer but I just couldn't focus but umm I thought of a cool thing for next chapter so imma do dat

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