Chapter 18

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Hinata's PoV
It was Sunday night and I started to pack for the trip I was really excited I packed Pajamas,my practice clothes,normal clothes,fancy clothes,an old t -shirt that I was ok with getting dirty,swimming trunks because you never know,a couple of binders,a bra and all the rest of the stuff I would need and I fit all of it into a small duffel bag which I was very impressed by I put the bag on the floor then went to bed.

I woke up at 5 in the morning and got ready I was really tired and could hardly stay awake I said goodbye to my mother and sister then left when i got to school kageyama was already there standing in front of the coach I stood next to him then we waited for the rest of the team and by rest of the team I meant Tanaka and Nishinoya.

Me and Kageyama decided to sit at the back of the bus I was sat near the window with kageyama on the other side "guys we won't be there until 8:30 so feel free to go back to sleep" Suga said as he sat down me and kageyama watched half of a volleyball game on my phone "hey Kageyama isn't it cool how we get to stay in a hotel" I said to the boy who's eyes were fixed on the screen "I guess" he said I eventually got bored of the game and fell asleep on Kageyama shoulder


I woke up to Kageyama poking at my face when I realised we were there already when we entered the hotel suga booked us in the team had six rooms that included I bathroom and a mini fridge we each got to pick who we wanted to share a room with me and Kageyama were put in room 6-b which was the highest floor suga and Daichi were also on our floor when we got to the room it was all nice and clean Kageyama put his bag next to the bed he decided to claim. I looked at the clean bed for a moment then dump all of my stuff on to the bed "Hinata what are you doing the room is all messy now" I shrugged my shoulders then jumped on my bed "so now what" I said Kageyama grabbed his duffel bag "I don't know about you but I'm taking a shower" he said heading into the bathroom.

I just lay there on my phone for while waiting for Kageyama to finish "Hinata" I heard someone call I just ignored it "HINATA" I jumped up realising it was Kageyama I knocked on the door and shouted what he slowly unlocked the door and poked his head out "can you go ask suga and Daichi for some towels" he said as his hair drooped over his eyes "yeah yeah" I said and I walked over to Suga and Daichi's room I knocked on the door then they let me in "hey Hinata" Suga said "hi Umm so Kageyama said we have no towels can we have some" I said awkwardly "yeah sure BABE GO GET TWO TOWELS" Suga shouted to what I assume is Daichi I took the towels then walked back to our room.

After Kageyama finished in the bathroom I went to go shower aswell. I finished showering and instantly regretted dumping all my stuff on my bed bc I had forgotten my clothes I rapped a towel over my self and walked out the bathroom when I walked out Kageyama was sat on his bed drying his hair with a towel I was about to grab my clothes then head back into the bathroom but something caught my eye "ooo what's this" I said walking towards a shiny spray bottle "it's cologne dipshit" Kageyama said I grabbed the bottle opened it and smelled it "hey put that down your gonna make the room smell really strong" he said taking the towel of his head I was still very intrigued by the perfume type thing so I pressed the button to spray it and accidentally sprayed it into my eyes "AHHH MY EYES" I screamed rubbing my eyes "I told you to put it down Hinata"
"I didn't know it was pointing towards me" I said still rubbing my eyes "GO PUT SOME CLOTHES ON DAMN IT"

"I CANT BC I CANT SEE" I said falling to the ground and the towel slipping off of me "AHHH"
"AHHH" me and Kageyama screamed, Kageyama threw his towel over me "GET BACK IN THE BATHROOM"

"KAGEYAMA WHAT DO YOU NOT FUCKING UNDERSTAND I CANT SEE" I shouted at him when Suga came in "guys stop screaming there's other people in this hotel..... Hinata what are you doing on the floor" suga said quietly " I sprayed cologne in my eyes and can't see" With that I heard the door close assuming Suga left not wanting to be a part of this situation I opened my eyes and could see again "oh my eyes are back" I said rapping the towel around me standing up and grabbing my clothes  as I got changed in the bathroom when I came out me and Kageyama cleaned up.

The secrets we keep[trans Hinata x kageyama]Where stories live. Discover now