Chapter 36

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Time skip two weeks on the last day of Hiros

Hinata's PoV

It was Friday Kageyama had to stay extra hours to study but he would be back by 5 as I was walking home from school I ran into Hiro "oh hey Hiro" I said
"Hey Hinata" we talked for a bit then I decided to invite him over we got home and introduced him properly to my mom then we went upstairs he helped me study for an Grammar test he took of his jacket in the middle of it (it'll make sense later) anyways we finished up and said bye.

Time skip to the next day (Saturday) around 6

Me and Kageyama came upstairs after eating dinner I locked the door then we both just stood there "you're really beautiful you know that" he said making me get all flustered I kissed him passionately putting my hands around his neck as his were around my waist we stumbled over to the bed and fell down onto it me being on top of him as we carried on kissing we parted from the kiss panting as I took of my t shirt revealing my tan binder then kissed him again "are you sure Hinata" I just nodded as I sat up unbuttoned and unzipped my pants about to take them off "hey what's this" Kageyama said picking up a red jacket that was on the floor.

"Seriously Kageyama right now come on lay back down" I said playfully "it says Hiro on it" he said looking at the tag when I remembered that he took it off yesterday and must of left it here "I-I just picked it up from lost and found I'll return it tomorrow" I said grabbing it and throwing it across the room
"Hinata don't lie to me Hiro came here yesterday didn't he" Kageyama said "well yeah but we didn't..." he cut me of by saying " get off of me!" As he pushed me off him "Kageyama come on I didn't-." He cut me off again " No I can't believe you slept with Hiro then had the audacity to try and have $ex with me!" He said as he stood up.

"Kageyama I didn't..." I said trying to calm him down "NO I.... I NEED A MINUTE JUST....I'm gonna go on a walk" he said running out of the house . I was angry at myself I was ashamed I wanted to hit something I started pacing up and down the room I clenched my fist but immediately unclenched them bc I didn't have the strength.

Kageyama's PoV
I was angry and confused and probably got it all wrong but why would Hinata invite Hiro over the same guy who beat him up and wrote the word
F*g on his fore head I mean really.... as I was walking I saw an alley way and decided to go through it when I walked into it I bumped into was Hiro I think anger got the best of my and I grabbed him and pushed him against the wall "woahhhh dude I'm sorry I wasn't I know you" he said "why would you sleep with Hinata" I asked him as I put him down "oh you must be Kageyama and what do you mean" h said leaning against the wall

"You left your dumb jacket at his house" I told him
"Ohhh I went to go help him with Grammar homework I didn't do anything like that I swear yeah I can be mean sometimes but sleeping with another persons boyfriend that's low" he said

"So you didn't do anything with Hinata..." I said quietly he just shook his head I sighed "I'm an idiot" I said I was about to carry on when Hinata came running into the alley way I hugged him and we stayed like that for a really long time "awwww" Hiro said me and Hinata stopped hugging and looked at him "sorry...." he said we both just rolled our eyes we talked to Hiro for a bit then left.

Bonus (hinata's PoV)

"Looks like you boys are back you both just walked out" my mom said as we got home we both laughed
"You guys good now" she said we said yes then started walking to the stairs "Shoyo hunny" my mom said I turned around "yeah?"

"Your fly is down" she said my face went a bright red as I looked down,zipped it up and ran upstairs whilst my mom was laughing uncontrollably

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