Chapter 60!

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Before I start I just want to say thank you to everyone reading this Umm also I might have to end this book soon.....not soon but sometime before like September which is pretty far away but I was thinking I would carry on until July 21st which is hinata's birthday then do a one month time skip then end it if I could I would carry on but technically it would mean they would start there 2nd year and just no I can't do that shit so just a heads up so I don't just end it on you guys!

Hinata's PoV
The next morning I woke up and Kageyama was clinging on to me I woke him up then we started getting ready for my mom to come pick us up.

Time skip
When we got home my mom head straight off for work leaving me and Kageyama with Natsu who was taking a nap me and Kageyama walked on my bed and sat down we were watching a volleyball game on my phone when the door slowly opened revealing the small girl she rubbed her eyes and crawled onto the bed "ew" I said kicking her of the bed she landed on the floor with a big thud there was silence in the room before she started crying and wailing Tobio rolled his eyes and got of the bed picking Natsu up and sitting her on his lap "Shoyo stop being mean to your sister" he said he then looked the other way Natsu turned to face me as Kageyama patted her back she just smiled at which pissed me off.

We walked downstairs and sat my sister in her chair at the table "what do you want to eat?" I asked her "spaghetti" she said I rolled my eyes and started making it "I wanna watch tv" she complained "no" I said. After she ate she had sauce all over her t shirt and face so that meant she had to take a bath "Natsu let's go you have to take a bath" I said grabbing my sister and taking her into the bathroom with Kageyama and locking the door so she couldn't run away we waited for the water to fill up whilst Natsu was banging on the door and throwing a fit because she didn't want to take a bath we eventually got her to calm down put the bubbles into the bath then put her in me and Kageyama walked out of the bathroom letting her play for a bit.

Me and Kageyama were just sat in my room when Natsu said she was done she finished up and got dressed we all then headed to Natsu's room because she wanted me to do her hair "how do you want it?" I asked her she just shrugged I brushed her hair putting it in pigtails.

"Can you play dress up with me?" She asked "no we've got stuff to do" I told her but Kageyama insisted that we did she gave Kageyama a tutu skirt and he put it on on top of his jeans she then proceeded to say that me and Tobio were getting married Kageyama was the bride and I'm assuming I was the groom she started putting that weird cheap makeup on his face "doesn't this have a lot of chemicals in it" Kageyama said quietly as Natsu put eyeshadow on his eyelids "No it doesn't shh!" She responded when she was done we had the wedding "Shoyo Hinata do you take your bootiful wife....ummm to be your wife" Natsu said stumbling over her words "uh yeah I guess" I said not really knowing what to say she rolled her eyes before saying "do you take Shoyo to be your husband" Kageyama just nodded "Shoyo you may now kiss your bride" she said I didn't actually kiss him since it would be weird to do in front of my 7 year old sister so I kissed him on the cheek Natsu then pranced around us and threw bits of paper at us as if they were flowers.

We were all just sat on the floor in Natsu's room really bored as I took a sip of my water Natsu asked me a question "Shoyo why do you have a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend" I chocked on the water a bit before saying "why are you asking"
"Because I was talking to Emi and she said that her older brother has a girlfriend and not a boyfriend then I told her that you had a boyfriend instead then she said that her brother said that if you have a boyfriend when you're a boy then that means you're gay but I don't know what gay means so I thought I would ask you but then Emi said that it was bad so now I'm sad because you're bad and mom said that if you be bad then you get your toys taken away so that means that you can't have any more toys but I'm still confused because-" Natsu started "ok ok shut up"

" it's none of their or your business" I said Natsu was about to say something when my mom walked through the door "I'm ho- why is Kageyama wearing a tutu" she said we just stared at her then laughed.

I've got school tomorrow and should be in bed but here's this chapter it's chapter 60 which is shocking thanks for all the reads and votes also for the next chapter yall going to meet Kageyama's big sister because apparently he has one so yeah also @Dark2Phoenix3 said that she should embarrass him so imma do that also this person is really cool and kind so thanks

The secrets we keep[trans Hinata x kageyama]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora