Chapter 47 i think idk

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Hinata's PoV
The next day was Tuesday we had to go to school which neither of us wanted to I was annoyed because the second day of your period is always the worst and I get a lot of dysphoria but happy thoughts.

Time skip because school sucks
When we got home we went straight to my room Kageyama started getting changed I just fell on my bed and sighed "I need to shower" I said getting up grabbing my stuff and Kageyama and heading into the bathroom Kageyama sat down as I put my stuff on the floor got inside the bath/shower closed the Curtain and started getting undressed (btw if you've forgotten Hinata likes Kageyama being the the bathroom with him whilst he showers for comfort and incase he breaks down bc of dysphoria)

I threw my clothes over the curtain and turned on the shower I started showering as Kageyama ranted on about the new quick attack when he finally shut up I started singing he went all quiet as if he wasn't there anymore I stuck my head out to see him staring at the floor smiling and blushing like mad I stopped singing because it was making him all flustered "Carry on" he said so I did I started getting all embarrassed "why are you listening to me" I said quietly

"What do you expect me to do" he said laughing "Hinata your voice is beautiful" he said (I'm sorry it's like really late at night and I'm dying the song I imagined Hinata to be singing is about $ex)

"Thanks I guess" I said

I finished up and me and Kageyama went back to my room and lay on my bed we eventually got called downstairs to eat lunch it was really awkward at lunch.

"So how was school" she asked we all just said good "can me and Tobio go to the movies tomorrow?" I asked randomly the idea popped up for no reason Kageyama just gave me a confused look "I mean if you want what time?" She asked "we'll leave at five come back some time late" I said my mom just rolled her eyes then said "ok but you're finding your own transport because I'm not taking you" and with that we just finished up and walked back upstairs.

"What movie are we going to see" Kageyama asked as he sat on the bed "I don't know any movie that starts from 8pm to 10pm" I replied as I sat in front of him "I thought you said we were leaving at 5?"

"Yeah we're going to walk around the mall for a while" I said he just nodded

(Cringe flirty flirty time I advise those sad singles to skip this shit ain't important)

Me and Kageyama were just sat there talking I just looked at him and admired how beautiful he was he noticed me looking at him weird and he asked what's wrong "nothing your just so handsome" I said smiling at him "your very handsome too" he said I put my hands on his face gently and kissed him passionately him doing the same.

(Then they make out.......
Anyways so I'm writing this the day before March 1st so for those reading this in the future I hope you like it ummm yeah)

The secrets we keep[trans Hinata x kageyama]Where stories live. Discover now