Anouncement + last update/chapter kind of

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So I want to start of by saying sorry for being gone so long I'm going to be honest and basically I just wasn't bothered the next thing is Thank you to everyone who has read this book commented voted and just supported me i appreciate it so much now onto the next thing this is a summary of what happens on Hinata's birthday: Basically he wakes up to everyone singing and stuff then him his dad Kageyama Natsu and his mom give him his small presents he got a new volleyball new shoes and some other stuff and then he gets told he's going to start testosterone (I have no idea how it works but I imagine there to be a lot of paper work and hospital visits and stuff. That's basically it I will post a time skip chapter in the future probably fast forward to like 4 months after his birthday and that's on to the next thing I want to say from time to time I will publish a few bonus chapters some might be time skipped other may not be slim not just going to disappear off Wattpad I'm going to finish off the mha book I never finished then look into starting two new book so haha you can't get rid of me yet I will be taking a break tho maybe like a week but no longer than that. But that's basically it this is my 'goodbye' if you're aren't planning on reading the two books I'm going to start so yeah but once again thank you so much ily all <3

(Yes that's my name)

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