I'm Still in Love with You

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While Stanley was outside, Phoebe took a quick bathroom break, however, when she walked out of the bathroom, she saw Bradley leading a brunette girl, who was definitely not Dina, to a dark bedroom before turning on the light and closing the door behind them. Phoebe wasn't exactly surprised that Bradley was a womanizer, but she hated that the girl he chose to cheat on was Dina considering that she was way too good for him.

She went back downstairs and played a little bit of foosball while she waited for Stanley until he finally met up with her. "So how did it go?", Phoebe asked him.
"She said yes", he replied.

"Great", she gave a small smile.

They finally left the party and got in Stanley's car. He exhaled and looked at Phoebe. "Thanks for your advice", he smiled at her.

"Sure thing", she replied. They drove off and it started to rain.

They drove through the woods when, suddenly, a tall tree collapsed in front of the car, causing Stanley to swerve off the road and crash. A bunch of other trees from the open field to Phoebe's right were all knocked down. Phoebe's eyes widen in a state of shock as she still held on to the roof handle. She snapped out of her state when Stanley tapped her shoulder. "Are you okay?", he asked.

"Yeah", she nodded. Then, she saw his attention shift to the now-clear open field to Phoebe's right and she looked in his direction. It was Syd standing in the middle of the field in the pouring rain. She had her fists balled up and slightly shaking.

It finally made sense-all of the items knocking off the shelves in the grocery store. All of the trees falling down at once. Syd had telekinetic powers. How is that even possible?, Phoebe thought. "Wait here", Stanley told her before getting out of the car. She watched as Stanley walked towards in Syd. She watched as Syd tried to explain herself and Stanley told her that they saw what happened. Then, it looked as if Syd was yelling at him and pointing her finger at the both of them. She could only understand her lips mouth the words "not a fucking word", and "promise".

After that, The two of them drove off to Phoebe's house with a now- half-busted car.


The following week, Phoebe was still processing the events that occurred that night after the party while Stanley was trying to look more in to Syd's powers and try to convince her to let him help master them. Unfortunately, it caused Stanley to spend a little less time with Phoebe than usual. It got to a point where she started to feel a little left out, which was a feeling that she always hated. She finally caught up to him at lunch and sat next to him.

She noticed a medium sized purple bruise near the corner of his left eye. "What happened?", she asked, her face ridden with concern.

"Let's just say that my dad wasn't happy about the car last weekend", he spoke in a low voice. Hearing that his dad was abusing him was enough to rile her up.

"Stanley, we have to tell someone", she urged him.

"No, Phoebe, it's nothing"

"This isn't nothing. It's not even normal!"

"Phoebe, I'm fine. I promise", Stanley stated. "Just don't tell anyone, ok?"

Phoebe reluctantly agreed. She comfortingly put a hand on his shoulder. "Do you want to come to my house after I get off?", she asked.

"I can't. I have to help Syd work on her powers"

"Ok", she said almost wistfully.

Later that day, after she finished her shift, Phoebe decided to swing the bowling alley to visit Stanley after he texted her to let her know that she could stop by. After Luke dropped her off, she walked in the empty bowling alley to see Stanley walking around slowly with his hands in his pockets. "Hey, Pheebs", he said. After she greeted him back, she noticed a huge dent in one of the wood-paneled walls as if something huge was thrown at it. "I see you worked with Syd on mastering her powers", she said.

"Yeah, we just finished"

Phoebe could tell from his body language and the way he signed that something bad happened during the session. "What happened now?", she asked.

"I got her to use her powers and she blew up at me"

"Well, what did you do to get her to do that?"

"I said some things to her that I shouldn't have"

"Oh", she nodded. To be fair, Syd did seem to have a reason to lash out at him, she thought. "Maybe you could still teach me how to bowl?", she suggested.


Then, he gave her a pair of bowling shoes to put on and prepared the bowling lane. He stood close to her while she picked up a bowling ball. "Make sure you keep your wrist steady", he said before carefully placing his hand on her wrist. He slowly moved his hand up to hers which made her feel butterflies in her stomach.

They continued to play bowling together. After many tries, she got more to the hang of it. On her last try, she knocked down all bowling pins.

"That was great", he smiled at her, showing his dimples. He gave her a high five and she returned the favor. She once again found herself standing close to him. Close enough to smell the whiff of cologne on him.

All she could stare at were his soft brown eyes. The same brown eyes that she fell in love with when she first met him. She felt as if she was stuck in a type of predicament wondering if she would feel regret kissing him and ruining their friendship(and his relationship with Syd) or not kissing him and wishing that she did. Or worse, graduating high school, wishing that she could go back in time to this very moment. She wished it wasn't so difficult because deep down, a part of her was still in love with him.

"Ph-Phoebe?", he finally spoke softly, snapping her out of reality. "Are you okay?".

"Yeah", she nodded in a somber tone.

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