Untitled Part 4

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While she painted, Phoebe felt the vibration of the music below her bare feet as the Bloodwitch album played the song, "Hey Little Girl" from her record player. Her cat Ginger sat curled up on the chair behind her, watching her paint. It was in her personal art studio which was a designated room that her parents helped put together for her. After her encounter with Stanley a few weeks prior, she found herself intrigued to listen to Bloodwitch. She understood what he meant when he said that it "kicked ass". Her mom Katie walked in and tapped her shoulder. "Hey, kiddo. I just wanted to let you know that dinner is ready", Katie said.

"Ok", she nodded her head.

"What are you listening to?"


"This guy that I met at the record shop was purchasing a vinyl record and he recommended it to me"

"Well, it's nice that you're making new friends"


Listening to that album always brought her back to that day she first met Stanley at the record shop. If anything, she was looking forward to seeing him again.


After her interpreter went off to have lunch in the faculty lounge, Phoebe walked in to the cafeteria. Socially, school was a bit difficult for Phoebe. She was homeschooled by her mom until the 9th grade. While it was a scary change, it wouldn't have been from the comforting guidance of her interpreter. Despite this and some people would occasionally say hi to her, it wasn't the same as having a real full-on conversation with a person. She wished that she was around more people in school that understood sign language.

 While searching for a place to sit, she spotted Stanley sitting at one of the tables with vacant spots. She walked towards him and he turned around to notice her. "Hey", she gave a small wave to him.

"Hey. Wait, let me guess", Stanley said before he started signing. "Phoebe, right?". She nodded. 

"I've been learning more sign language over the summer so sorry if my sign language seems a little off", he said. She adjusted his right hand which seemed to be facing front ways, and showed him the proper way to sign "off". "Shit, sorry", he chuckled as he signed to her. "Don't worry about it", she replied. "At least you're learning".

She sat next to him. From the slight lingering smell of marijuana that came from his clothes, Phoebe could already guess that he was a stoner. One of the reasons why she was familiar with weed and what it smelled like was because her half sister Lana had a college roommate who would smoke weed in their dorm room. "I listened to a couple of songs from Bloodwitch", she said. 


"Yeah, I just took one of the vinyl records home and played it in my art studio"

"So what did you think?"

"It's pretty great. It reminds me very much of The Pixies"

"You really seem to know your music"

"Well, my parents own a record shop so that's the type of music that I grew up around"

"Maybe you can come over my house sometime. We can listen to more of their music and you could also teach me more sign language", Stanley suggested. 

"That would be a great idea", she said. "Are you sure you're not going to kidnap me in my basement?". She mentally slapped herself in the face for making such a messed up joke. "Sorry, I probably shouldn't have said that-"

"No, it's fine", he replied, slightly chuckling. "And trust me, I won't". She smiled, a bit more relieved that it didn't come off as awkward. A while later, the bell rang and everyone started to wrap up lunch. "So, I'll pick you up on Friday at 4?"

"I can't. I work after school"

"Ok. How about next Saturday at 3?"

"Yeah, that sounds great"

"Cool", Stanley casually placed his sunglasses on the top of his head. "Well, Phoebe, I'll see you this weekend".

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