A Night to Remember(part two)

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When Stanley and Phoebe arrived at the dance, the gym was lit with lights and filled with blaring music, and students in formal attire. They walked through the gym until they ended up running in to Dina and Syd. "I'm going to go talk to Syd, okay?", Stanley said to her.

"Okay", Phoebe nodded her head. Stanley sat with Syd on the bleachers and started talking to her. It seemed like a serious conversation, but Phoebe was glad to see the two friends reconcile. 

After chatting with Dina for a while, Stanley and Syd rejoined the group. "Dina, you look,um..like a Christmas tree", Stanley told her.

"Thanks, dude", Dina replied. 

"Oh, God, Whittaker's staring at us", Stanley pointed out to their principal, Mr. Whittaker who stood against the wall, looking at the group of teens before walking off. "It's probably the most exciting thing that's ever happened in his entire life", said Syd, referring to their eventful time in detention.

"By now, he probably thinks we're plotting to steal someone's car", said Phoebe. 

"Could be", said Dina.

"I don't know, guys. I mean, we're wanted criminals. Why are we out here in the open? Exposed. First rule of a heist is split the loot and split the fuck up, right?", Stanley asked.

"What loot? All we did was disrespect this fine institution", Dina said.

"And disrespect ourselves", added Syd. They all laughed. Then, the DJ started playing a new song. "Sorry, this playlist is all over the map. I'll be right back", Stanley said before walking over to the DJ. She couldn't make out what he was telling the DJ and it wasn't until he returned that he told Phoebe that he was trying to request a Bloodwitch song. "At least, you tried", she said.

"I know. I just wanted to make this night special for us", he told her. 

Then, the group went to the dance floor and danced. When a slow dance came on, Phoebe slow danced with Stanley, which brought her back to when she first danced with him in his basement-her just staring in to his soft brown eyes and feeling the vibration of music from under her feet. She rested her forehead against his. What mattered in that moment was that he with the one person that she was comfortable with. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention?", a teacher announced on the mic. Phoebe saw everyone's attention turn to the teacher on stage. 

"It's time to introduce your homecoming king and queen, Jeff Butters and Julie Frasheski!"

The gym clapped and Phoebe did a silent clap as she watched Jeff and Julie walk on stage. "Where do I begin? First, I would like to thank my mom for meeting my dad-", Jeff was cut off by Brad grabbing the mic. "Listen up!", he begin. The teacher tried to intervened, but Brad stopped them. "Give me a second! Give me a second! I would like to take this moment to talk about something very important that affects everyone here. Sydney Novak!". 

Stanley and Phoebe looked at Syd. "Hey, Sydney, raise your hand. Give me a little wave, so that everyone can see you", Brad called out to her. "You see, what a lot of people don't know about Sydney here, is that she is one hell of a writer". He held up a book with a cat mermaid, which Phoebe recognized as Syd's diary. 

He jumped off stage and moved closer to Syd and Dina. "Yeah, you know, it's..it's funny because everyone is so fast to call me an asshole, but while I was downstairs, banging Jenny Tuffield at Ricky's, guess what Syd was doing upstairs? Kissing my girlfriend", Brad continued, sounding more irate. The crowd gasped. "Now, don't know get me wrong, chicks get drunk, they make out. I'm all for it, but..being a full-on dyke, that's a whole other ball game"

"Oh, shut up, Brad", Dina said.

"And don't get me started on the daddy issues on this one. Everyone in her life thinks she's a piece of shit, and I mean everyone"

Stanley left Phoebe's side and stormed towards Brad. "Hey, man! Leave her alone!", he yelled. Brad punched him in the face, knocking him to the floor. Phoebe felt more anger built up inside of her. She knelt down to Stanley and saw that he was unconscious. She didn't care what was holding her back, she just wanted him to pay for what he did. As he continued to speak, she stormed towards him. "And get this. Sydney believes that she has-"

 Then, something unbelievable happened that stopped her in her tracks. Brad's head burst open and a splash of blood splattered all over Phoebe. She felt the vibration of Brad's headless body collapsing to the floor with a loud thud. The whole crowd of students, also covered in blood, erupted in screams and scattered out of the gym. As she stood in shock, she turned to Syd who's eyes met with hers. Without a word, Syd turned away and walked out of the door. Phoebe quickly snapped out of her state of shock and realized that he was still holding Syd's diary. She grabbed it from his limp hand. She knew it was wrong to take something that wasn't hers, but she felt that her instincts were telling her to if it meant helping to keep Syd's powers a secret. Then, Phoebe remembered the first thing that came to her mind-Stanley.

She quickly turned around to find Stanley starting to gain consciousness. Phoebe rushed over to the boy knelt down to help him up. He looked around at the chaos, confused as to what unfolded. "I'll explain later. We have to go!", Phoebe told him. She helped him up to his feet and the two exited the gym.

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