Untitled Part 12

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Stanley told Phoebe that him, Syd, Dina, and Brad had detention after school. It was almost questionable to her at first since he usually wasn't the type of person to get detention. She felt a little weird about almost kissing him that night at the bowling alley and was hoping that he didn't think anything of it. They made plans to spend time together afterwards so she was hoping to probably address it then. After her session in coach class, Phoebe took the time to wait for Stanley to get out of detention. She sat at the front steps of the school when Stanley and the others finally walked out.

"Hey. Are you still available for later on?", she asked.

"Actually, there are a change of plans", Stanley said. "Me and Syd have to head over to my house because it's something urgent"

"I think I'll just stay behind", she replied.

"Why? What's wrong?", asked Stanley.

"Nothing. I just don't to be a part of this anymore", she said.

"Seriously, Pheebs, there's got to be a real reason"

"That's the real reason", she argued.

"Ok", he replied, scoffing in disbelief.

"What more do you want, Stan?"

"I'd like to know why you've been acting weird lately?", he argued.

"I can't stand to be in the same room with you and Syd anymore, are you happy?"

"Ok, I don't get it. You wanted me to ask Syd to homecoming. I thought you were okay with this"

"Well, I lied. I'm not, ok?"

"Wait, don't tell you're jealous of Syd"

"No, I'm not jealous"

"Then what is it then, Phoebe?"

"It's because I'm in love you!" she lashed out. "Yeah, there, I fucking said it! I'm in love with you and I have been from the beginning. I've tried and tried asking you to go to homecoming with me, but now there's no point in saying so anymore because you're with her and you probably would rather settle for a hearing girl instead of me anyway, so it doesn't matter anymore". She started to walk away.

"Phoebe-", he grabbed her shoulder until she pushed his hand off of it.

"Just don't follow me, please!", she snapped before continuing to storm off.

She ran as far as she could from him. Pools of angry tears formed in her eyes until they blurred her vision and slid down her cheeks.  How could she be so stupid to not see that he was in to Syd? She felt like her friendship with Stanley was officially ruined.

A/N: sorry if this one sucked.

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