Chapter One: A Band Called Bloodwitch

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Phoebe always found it ironic that she was deaf and she worked at a music store. Although it wasn't that easy being deaf, she managed to make the best of it. Her dad owned a record vinyl shop and she would help out by working after school. While her dad was working on something in the back room, Phoebe stood at the desk when a curly-haired brunette boy wearing a white T-shirt with a brown vest walked up to the counter. "Hey. Do you guys have Bloodwitch?", he asked. She gave him a confused look, not sure how to read his lips. She was able to read lips, but not all that well. "Bloodwitch", he repeated. She shook her head and signed, "I'm actually deaf". The boy paused as if he'd made a mistake. "Oh", he said. "I-I'm sorry, I don't really know a lot of-"

Phoebe stopped him by signaling for him to wait a minute. She grabbed a notebook and pen that sat near her and gave it to him. She pointed to him and pantomimed writing a paper. 

He wrote "Bloodwitch" on the notebook and showed it to her. Phoebe slowly nodded as she looked at it. She wrote back, "Come with me. I'll show you". She directed him to the alternative rock section where she flipped through each of the vinyl records. She came across the Bloodwitch vinyl that had a red design over a photo of two people on the cover of the album. She gave it to the boy. He took the album and wrote, "Thanks".

"I don't think I've ever heard of bloodwitch", she wrote.

"Not a lot of people have, but it kicks ass", he wrote back. "I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't know you were deaf"

"Don't worry about it. At least you're not like one of those assholes who overenunciate their words and act like I don't speak English"

"That must suck"

Phoebe shook her head and wrote back, "No need to feel sorry". She didn't like people feeling sorry for her because she didn't want to think of her deafness as a sad thing nor for it to be viewed in that kind of way. "Ok", Stanley replied. "Well, I wouldn't the type of person to do that, so I guess you can consider yourself lucky".

"Who gives a shit what people think, right?", he added on.


There was a bit of an awkward silence between them. To her, there was still something about him that seemed unapologetically charming. There was a simple sweetness in the way he smiled at her, which she started to find cute. She usually never tried to wonder what a person's voice actually sounded like, but she imagined that his voice might've sounded low, but silvery. She personally had to admit to herself that he was just simply cute. "I should go pay for this", he broke the silence. Phoebe nodded her head in agreement, snapping back in to reality. "I didn't catch your name", she wrote. 

He was about to write it, but then decided to spell it out in sign language. "S-T-A-N-L-E-Y", he signed.  "I'm P-H-O-E-B-E", she signed. "Phoebe", he repeated and she nodded her head. 

"Is there anything we can help you with?", Luke called out from the counter. "um, yeah. She was just helping me find this album", Stanley explained to him. He turned back to Phoebe. "Well, Phoebe, I appreciate the help", he wrote. "Don't mention it", she replied. Stanley went up to the counter and paid for the "Bloodwitch" album. 

Once he left, she went back to the alternative rock section and picked up a "Bloodwitch" album. For some reason, 

"What album was it that he trying to buy?", Luke asked her and he signed. "Bloodwitch", she replied. "Bloodwitch. Huh, 'haven't heard of that one", he said before walking back to the back room. From the way Stanley talked about the band, for some reason, she was intrigued to listen. It may come as a surprise to some people that she listened to music despite being deaf, but ever since she was a baby, she learned how to listen to music just by feeling the rhythm and vibrations of music. 

Author's Note: This chapter might be edited in the future to probably add a little more description. The partial reason why I 've decided to publish the first chapter this week is to ease the fear and frustration of the coronavirus issue. 

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