Friends Come and Go

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For the next few days, Phoebe didn't talk to Stanley. She stopped sitting with him at lunch and started asking for her parents or her half-sister to drive her to and from school. She couldn't even listen to her bloodwitch album. At one point, while she was working her shift at the vinyl shop, Luke asked her, "whatever happened to what's his name? Steven?".

"Stanley. We're just not speaking to each other right now", said Phoebe.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that, Pheebster", he replied. "You know what they say, friends will come and go".

Later that day, Her and Kate spent time in the kitchen, eating Chinese food. "I heard that you stopped speaking to Stanley", Kate said. Phoebe nodded. "Boys suck", she said bluntly.

"I know", Kate nodded, slightly chuckling.

"I just wish that having feelings for someone wouldn't be this hard", she said.

"Let me tell you something, you're going to have a lot of relationships in your lifetime, both good and bad. Just don't let this one boy ruin that for you", she told her. " and I know that whichever boy or girl will meet you in the future would be glad to have a relationship with you because to me, you've always been unique just the way you are".

"Thanks", she smiled.


The next day, Phoebe excused herself to use the bathroom during lunch. When she emerged from the bathroom stall to wash her hands, she noticed Syd standing at one of the sinks and looking at her. "Hey", Syd awkwardly gave her a small wave. Phoebe gave her a brief nod before proceeding to wash her hands.

"Look, whatever happens between you and Stan, I hope that I wasn't-"

"No, I get it. It wasn't your fault", Phoebe replied. "I know that how much you and Stanley like each other and I'm okay with it as long you make him happy".

"No, Phoebe, the truth is that I don't really like Stanley in that kind of way"

"Syd, I saw you guys that night at house"

"You did?"

"Yeah, that was the reason why I left that night"

"Well, it didn't really mean anything. We were just high and got a little carried away", she explained. "The point is that me and Stanley are just friends".

"Then is there someone else that you like?", asked Phoebe.

Syd awkwardly nodded her head. "Yeah", she replied.



Phoebe nodded and gave a look as if she was saying, "oh".
"Yeah", Syd nodded her head. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you liked him"

"It's ok. I shouldn't have acted like such a jerk"

"Trust me, you're not the only one who's been a jerk lately". They walked with each other out of the bathroom and continued to talk, making phoebe feel a little better about the situation.

"I'm not telling anyone about your powers, by the way", Phoebe. "I honestly think they're kind of cool".

"Well, thanks", she simply replied."So, what do you like about Stan?"

"I just like that he doesn't see me as some deaf girl, he just likes me for me", Phoebe explained.

"You should probably tell him that", Syd suggested.

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