Chapter 9

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Marinette was debating what to do - design clothes or try to go back to sleep when she heard a knock at her window. She looked up to see Chat looking particularly bedraggled, so, she let him in and he transformed in the bathroom, putting on the mask out of habit and went and kissed her good morning.

"Princess, can I please sleep with you for a couple of hours. I didn't get much sleep, I kind of got use to you next to me." he begged her.

"Sure kitty," she agreed, ruffling his hair, eliciting a purr out of him.

Marinette and Adrien lay down on their bed and Adrien pretty much fell straight to sleep his arms wrapped around Marinette. Marinette was about to drift off to sleep when the sound asleep Adrien started attacking her shirt.

"Need skin...too many clothes," he muttered in his sleep.

To which Marinette's shirt was lifted up to her armpits. It was then she realised how exactly she had been losing her shirt every night for the past couple of months. She managed to keep her shirt on but she couldn't sleep, or it would be gone completely.

Seven o'clock came around and Marinette sat up, pulling her shirt back down, shook Adrien awake. "Wake up, Chat!"

"A few more minutes Purr-incess"

"No Chat, we need to talk."

Adrien opened his eyes then very reluctantly. "What's up?" Realising that Marinette had a funny expression on her face changed his question to, "What's wrong?"

"Did you know that for the past couple of months you have been taking my shirt off?" Marinette asked accusingly.

Adrien genuinely looked shocked by the accusation, before defending himself, saying "I have? But your always dressed when I wake up."

"Yeah, you're lucky that I woke up before you and redressed myself or you would have been in real trouble. I told you I didn't want that sort of thing unless we are at least engaged."

"My offer of marriage is still there Marinette, it has never been withdrawn." Adrien said, reminding her of his constant propositions as Chat to Ladybug.

Marinette, in that moment, looked like she was going to kill him but sighed instead, "Ask properly Adrien and I will answer then. Anyway, what are we going to do about us and school?"

"What do you mean? Can't I just treat you as my girlfriend now?" Adrien asked.

"No, you can't." Marinette replied emphatically "They all think that we both are going out with someone else. The only thing I can think of is to tell Nino and Alya that you were going out with me but you had dressed up so I didn't know it was you and it was yesterday that I caught you undressing. Is that ok?"

"Well, that's what happened anyway. But we can't say it was Chat you were going out with. So how will we pull this off?" Adrien reasoned.

"Do you have a wig like Luka's hair but with green highlights?" asked Marinette, an idea springing to her mind.

Adrien's mind slipped into her thought processes easily and clarified what he thought she was thinking, "Like the green lantern?"

"Yeah... that's actually a good idea. No-one knows exactly what he looks like and you disappear like him." well, clearly she had not gone as far as that yet, but she was getting there.

Adrien smiled, thinking about how to achieve the desired result, coming up with an answer he replied, "I will see what I can do in the short time we have. I guess I better go and get Natalie to organise me a costume for school."

"See you there!" Marinette walked Adrien to the balcony where he "claws out"ed and disappeared back to his home.

Marinette remembered then that they hadn't eaten, and packed a snack for him to eat when he got school, because she was pretty sure he wouldn't eat at home. Adrien arrived after her and smiled and said to the question in her eyes, "Natalie is on it."

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