Chapter 11

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At the door they find a tall man, black wavy hair and icy blue eyes, who was wearing a dark red Cape.

"Hello!" Greeted Marinette to the stranger, not at all showing that she was shaken by his appearance, "How can I help you?"

"Hello Marinette and Adrien," he said greeting them both, "I need to talk with you."

"How do you know who I am?" Asked Adrien, suspicious of this villainous looking man flying in the air above Marinette's balcony.

"Please, your little costume doesn't hide who you are. And your kwami's should know who I am regardless of the change." The man dismissed Adrien's question.

Marinette looked at the kwami's who had come out of her own volition, and seeing them nod, invited the man in, "Come in, ah what do I call you?"

"My name is Dr Stephen Strange" the man said as he entered through the hutch.

Marinette offered him the couch to sit on, and he gladly took up the offer.

Marinette and Chat sat on the two other chairs facing him.

"What do you want to talk about Mr Strange?" Marinette finally asked.

"DR Strange!" he corrected, "I came to you as a miracle box keeper. You may not know, but Tikki should, I am the head of the sanctuary that the previous keeper should have talked to you about. Where is Tikki? There's no point asking for Plagg as your claws are out."

Adrien decided then, although this man put him on edge, he would not win against him, especially since he knew the kwami's names. "Plagg claws out " and de-transformed.

"Adrien, what was the point of that? Where's my cheese?" Said Plagg until he turned around and saw Dr Strange. "Welcome Master Strange, what are you doing here?"

"It's Dr Strange, Plagg. I am here for the miracle box."

"NO! " Yelled Plagg "You're not taking it from Marinette! I will destroy you!"

Tikki appeared then, supporting Plagg's actions, "I agree with Plagg Master Doctor!"

Dr Strange just laughed at the little kwami's, confusing everyone. Adrien and Marinette knew that the master of the sanctuary could by rights ask for the box back so was prepared to return it as they had no magic except for what the kwami's lent them.

Once Dr Strange had regained his composure he continued, "What I meant to say is I need you to train with me with all the people you have picked to be holders, good and bad. That, this time, means using Chloe until you can find a more suitable holder for the bee miraculous. The most important one I need is Sass and Bunnyx, can you bring them to me tomorrow?"

"I can ask Luka," Marionette said hesitantly, "but he works; as for Bunnyx I have not used her yet, although I do know her holder."

"Luka won't need to work now," said Dr Strange addressing her immediate concern about Luka, "I will fix it so he doesn't need to. He can still choose to work afterwards though. The others will have to join the Avengers too and carry their miracle always for the next year. I will explain to them and Tony the necessity. You just need to bring them to my building tomorrow after school."

"That doesn't give us much time," Adrien observed.

"We don't have much time" Dr Strange said.

"I'll go see Luka now," decided Marinette, "Can you see Chloe?"

Adrien noded. He would have rathered done Luka so he could interrogate him on his intentions about Marinette as well, but he would have to let that go. There was no way Chloe would do anything for anyone except him.

"What about Hawkmoth and Myura?" Marinette wondered about the 2 villains.

"They're not necessary for what lies ahead." Dr Strange dismissed, relieving Marinette of her worries.

"See you tomorrow Dr Strange." Marinette said, "Tikki, Spots On!" And Marinette disappeared into the night to find Luka.

Luka was throwing bread into the river, thinking of Marinette again, that he almost missed Ladybug coming to see him.

"Hey Luka." Ladybug landed beside him with a thunk.

"Ladybug!" Luka answered with a polite smile, "What can I do for you?"

"Honestly Luka, this is going to be the strangest request you will hear." Ladybug replied.

"What is it?" Luka was intrigued, as his life was filled with strangeness.

"Quit your job today and report to the Strange building tomorrow at 8 am. I will give you your miraculous then." Ladybug instructed him.

Luka deciding to trust in Ladybug answered her, "You're right, it does sound farfetched. But I trust you."

"Why are you out here so late Luka?" curious as to why Luka was out by himself skipping stones on a part of the river far from his houseboat.

"Honestly, it's because I miss my ex-girlfriend. I knew when I went out with her there was a chance that I would get hurt if her current boyfriend ever decided to ask her out. I just hoped that she would fall in love with me before that happened. It didn't happen like I wanted, but I still love her. I wanted to experience everything for the first time with her. I guess I have to settle for just my first kiss and heartache." Luka smiled weakly.

"I'm sorry Luka..." Ladybug comforted him "I truly hope things get better. See you tomorrow" as she swung off.

Adrien, as Chat Noir arrived on top of the building where Chloe lived to find Chloe muttering about how unfair it was, she made a awesome superhero. Why didn't Ladybug understand this? Why didn't anyone understand her?"

"Chloe!" Called Chat, "Come here!"

Chloe marched over and huffed, "Well? What is it 2nd fiddle?"

"You will be given one last chance to wield the bee miraculous - meet me at the front of the Strange building after school tomorrow, you will be given it only if you show up." Chat said and then he swung off as he really wanted to be with his Lady.

On his way home he spotted Alix and asked her if she would meet him at 8am in front of the Strange building for "the sake of the world " and Alix agreed.

That night the pair didn't sleep well, but it was enough to function the next day. Marinette took all the miraculous out that had been used before and gave half to Adrien to give out. Then the pair, after eating, left for the Strange building as Chat Noir and Ladybug. Everyone knew it. It had always given off creepy vibes and when it was renamed "Strange House" it became known as the "Strange building". People assumed it was named that because of the current owner's macabre humour, rather than the owners name being "Strange".

Alix and Luka were there waiting. Ladybug and Chat Noir greeted them and went with them into the building before giving them their miraculous. They transformed and then Dr Strange arrived. "Greetings Bunnyx and Viperion. As of now you both do not need to work ever again."

To which Bunnyx cheered, before becoming serious, stating "I am guessing though it's not free?"

"No, it's not. I need you both to check my deduction on how to save the world as it stands right now. The only way I can find is not great." Dr Strange, then noticing the bug and cat said "That's all you need to know you two!" and they suddenly found themselves whooshed out the building and facing the street. The pair stood there stunned for a bit before blinking.

"Well, that was strange!" commented Ladybug.

"You could say that again" agreed Chat "Let's go to school before we are late!"

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