Chapter 18

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Marinette and Adrien had been married a month when the school year ended. Alya and Nino were finally moving in with them.

Adrien found Marinette singing happily in the kitchen and he walked over to give his beautiful wife a hug and kiss good morning. Marinette turned and returned his morning kiss enthusiastically before returning to baking him breakfast and prepare for the party that they had arranged for tomorrow night.

Adrien sat happily down on a bar stool, content to observe his wife as she cooked and sung. Marinette was clearly in her own world as she stirred the ingredients with a spoon, and using that same spoon as a microphone in her favourite bits of the song. She was singing the latest popular song that had just become number one in France. As he listened to her sing, the fond smile he was wearing fell off his face as he realised that the song was all about Marinette. Marinette had never cheated on him, this he was sure of since he had literally been with her everywhere since they were married, so, how could this song be about the very person he treasured?

"Marinette?" He asked, his green eyes raging with jealousy, "Who created that song your singing?"

Marinette, oblivious to his inner turmoil, said "I don't know,  let me look it up... oh! It's Luka Couffaine. Wow! I am so happy for him, he achieved his dream. Adrien..."

Marinette turned around, but Adrien   wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Where did he go? I wonder..." Marinette shrugged, figuring that perhaps he wanted alone time, for the first time since they were married, and went on with her baking. She was feeling particularly good for once.

Adrien, as soon as he heard Luka's name, turned into Chat and hunted him down. He found Luka overlooking the river again, looking sad.

"How did you do it Couffaine?" Chat asked Luka.

"Do what?" Luka asked.

"Don't play dumb with me, Luka!" He snapped in disgust "I know that you have slept with my wife."

"I have never slept with your wife!" Luka said.

"Don't bullshit me Luka...I can tell you have, when did you sleep with her."

"Chat, your wife has never slept with me. If you must know how I know - You. Were. Dead. and the end of the world was happening yet again. I slept with a Marinette then. She didn't want to die a virgin. There's no way she would have slept with me otherwise. It literally took Your Death and the end of the world for her to look at me. There are you happy?"

"No!" Said Chat Noir still angry.

"No?" Luka asked sarcasm evident in his voice, "You literally have ruined my most precious memory of Marinette with your jealousy and its not enough. What more could you possibly want?"

"How many times? How many times did you do it with her?" Chat asked, somewhat afraid of the answer, his voice breaking.

"Once." Replied Luka, knowing that Adrien wouldn't believe him unless he explained further, so he continued, "It was all I was allowed by Dr Strange."

"Once?" Whispered Adrien in relief, he had been afraid that it had been many times, "I won't kill you then." He paused for a while thinking. He abruptly started talking to Luka about what he had been thinking,  "This is going to sound weird now that I have yelled at you about this, but if something happens to me... Could you please look after Marinette and our children?"

"Marinette is pregnant?" Luka deduced by the question, and surprised at the news, if it were true.

"Not that I know of, but it is likely," Chat grinned, happy at the thought of a little Bug Noir.

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