Chapter 2

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"Hey..." Clay calls out nervously, "How's your first day been?"

"Not half bad, thanks for asking," George responds to the taller, he seems warmer than the last few times they've interacted.

"Good to hear, how'd you know about the bridge?" Dream questions, coming off harsher than he intends.

"Well that was fucking rude," Parker mutters under her breath.

"Oh um, Niki and I were walking around after class today and found it, I didn't know it was such a, uhm, hot spot," his eyes light up as he's talking, the Florida sunset illuminating everything about him. Dream can't help but stare.

"It's our favorite spot, woods hide it enough so we can," he gestures to Karl sitting on the ground with the ground up weed on his physics textbook, "yeah..."

"I can leave, sorry, I didn't realize..." George starts to talk but is interrupted by Sapnap , "No stay, if you'd like," he gives George a smile. Incredibly out of character for him.

Sapnap sits back down next to Karl and grabs the rolling papers and gets to work. In less than 10 minutes he has four pristine joints on the textbook in front of him. He smiles at his work before positioning them in between his fingers Wolverine style. He holds them up to a grinning Dream. Sapnap lets him take two, handing one to Mackenzie, and handing one to CJ. Quackity whistles to get their attention, holding up two zippo lighters, a gold and a silver.

"Gold," Sapnap calls out, and at the same time, "Silver," comes out of Dream's mouth.

They grin at each other and catch the lighters the raven haired man tosses to them. Lighting their joints at the same time, Clay catches Sapnap , wink?, at, Karl? Handing the lighter to Mackenzie, he starts thinking about Sapnap 's strange affection towards Karl these last few days. The side Sapnap  has been showing around Karl recently is one Clay's never seen before. 'Why have I never seen this out of him?'

Taking a few hits, he hands it over to Alex, who stands close to him. Passing it between one another, Clay notices George talking to Karl and Sapnap out of the corner of his eye. He elbows Alex slightly and nods his head in their direction. The three men seem to be laughing and Clay sees George's eyes glimmer from the Florida sunset. He looks, well, Clay thinks he looks beautiful. As if on auto-pilot he walks over to the three boys.

"Dream how's it going," Karl smiles at the boy with red and tired eyes.

"It's going well Karl," Giving the shorter boy a lopsided smile.

"Hey George, you want to smoke-,"

"Oh he doesn't-" Clay starts to explain to Karl.

"Yeah sure," George gives Dream a short look before smiling at Karl.

Karl hands him the joint that's definitely over halfway gone; the brunette looks nervous but smiles at Karl.

Clay would give George the rest of his if he asked.

The shortest of the group takes it cautiously from Karl's fingers before bringing it up to his lips and takes a small, yet appropriate hit. His face goes slightly red before exhaling, coughing twice, and swallowing hard. George does this a few more times, and the entire time Clay's eyes never leave George's lips.

George hands the joint to Sapnap this time and Dream brings his own back up to his lips before he's aware that he needs to relight it. He motions to Alex for a lighter, who walks over to CJ and Cassie and asks if "you lovely ladies'' happen to have his lighter. Walking back to Dream, Alex tosses it and, managing to catch it one handed, he brings it up to the end of his joint, flicks the lighter open, and relights it all in one swift motion. Dream once again looks like a complete douchebag.

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