my baby

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fluff to angst
family based
summary: y/n takes in baby tubbo as his own.


y/n hummed to himself as he opened his cottage door, looking around for the person who had knocked. he shrugged, going to shut it quietly.


y/n's head snapped down, looking at the basket on his front porch. he crouched down, gently moving the blanket aside. "well hello there little one." he said softly, picking up the little baby in the basket. "and how did you get here, hm?" he stood up, rocking the baby carefully.

the little baby babbled a bit, holding y/n's finger in his tiny hand. he brought it to his mouth.

y/n picked up the basket and looked around for a moment before shutting the door. he hummed softly to the little baby, walking to the kitchen. he set the basket down and picked up the note.

dear y/n,

i cant support this baby, too many responsibilities to take care of. his names tubbo, i know you will raise him well.

- anonymous

"tubbo, hm?" y/n looked down at tubbo and kissed his little cheek. "looks like its just you and me then, little guy."


"tubbo! tubbo?" y/n yelled, pulling on his jacket. "its time to go! cmon now!" he walked towards the stairs.

the six year old came sprinting down the steps, giggling loudly. "im here papa!" he reached up towards y/n, bouncing on his heels.

y/n picked tubbo up, holding him on his hip as he left the cottage. "we're gonna stop at phils, okay? then we can go look at the bees."

tubbo clapped quietly and nodded. "mhm!" he giggled. "see tommy?" he looked up at y/n with big doe eyes.

y/n held tubbo, walking quietly along the lmanberg path to philzas. he knocked twice, kissing the little boys head.

phil opened the door, dark eyebags under his eyes. raising three boys was not easy. "oh thank god." he sighed, dragging the two in.

tommy came sprinting from the kitchen. his blonde hair all messy and blue eyes filled with excitement. "tubbo!" he screeched, grinning.

y/n set tubbo down, watching the two embrace tightly. he turned to phil, who chuckled a bit. "and where are my two other nephews?

techno emerged from his room, pink hair pulled into a pony tail. he was fourteen, going on fifteen. "hello uncle." he side hugged his only uncle and walked into the kitchen.

y/n smiled, admiring the boy for a moment. he walked with phil to the living room, talking about everything that happened in the week.


tubbo picked up a poppy, offering it to y/n. "here daddy!" he said happily, his little smile making y/n melt.

y/n took it happily, tucking it behind his ear. "thank you, good sir." he bowed dramatically before taking tubbos hand and walking.

the two talked contently, tubbo bouncing around and rambling about this and that. such an energetic boy. y/n's favorite boy. his baby.

he was too spaced off to notice how far ahead tubbo had ran. he thought about the day he got tubbo. the sleepless nights, the help from his brother and nephews, help from niki and puffy.

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