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family based
summary: y/n, her brothers and dad go on a roadtrip
notes: ft. tubbo and ranboo, reader described as the youngest :)


"tommy, get your fucking feet off of me before i break your ankles-"

y/n rolled his eyes, listening to techno and tommy bicker from the front seat. he had gotten lucky with shot gun, thanks to being the most well behaved son out of philzas four kids + two friends that tagged along.

philza sighed. "boys, that's enough." he said quietly, the two stopping their bickering.

wilbur leaned forward. "y/n do you have any batteries i can borrow for my walkmen?" he asked, lightly tapping his hands against the seat.

y/n pulled his backpack up into his lap, unzipping it and rummaging through it. he held three batteries out to wilbur, who took them and thanked his brother gratefully, leaning back again.

they were all decently close, though techno was the one that tended to try and distance himself often. to everyone besides phil and one of their closest friends, ranboo.

y/n, being the youngest of their family, tended to be babied. by phil and wilbur mostly, techno and him wrestled and rough housed often. tommy was just bitchy and whiney so they argued.

him being the youngest, 14, tommy being 16, wilbur and techno being 18, they were all close in age. for their friends, both were 17, they were mostly tommys friends but they all got along well.

y/n curled up in his seat, pulling his soft green blanket over himself as he watched out the window, music softly playing in his ears from his walkmen.

tommy leaned forward, poking hos shoulder. "y/n, y/n, y/n, y/n, y/n-"

y/n threw his headphones off, swinging around to glare tommy down. "what?!"

tommy smiled playfully. "i forgot." he leaned back, giggling childishly with tubbo.

y/n rolled his eyes and faced forward, pulling his headphones on again. he shook his head, sighing heavily.


two hours in and y/n really had to pee. it wasnt his fault he had drank four sodas, really, he got thirsty easily.

but they were no where near a rest stop. so he settled for crossing his legs and thinking about anything but the pressure against his bladder.

ranboo, ever the observant, noticed the youngers discomfort. "y/n? you okay?" he asked, raising a slight eyebrow.

curse his friends good observation skills. "mhm, perfect f-ine." y/n rubbed his throat as his voice cracked, swallowing thickly after.

phil glanced over, chuckling a bit. he reached over, ruffling his son's hair gently.

"jesus christ stop tapping your foot y/n!" techno said after a moment.

"i gotta piss leave me alone!" y/n snapped, groaning at the pain in his bladder. "dad pull over before i piss myself-"


y/ns eyes fluttered open, immediately being met with the night sky. he stretched a bit, a soft groan escaping his lips.

phil glanced over. "shhh, everyone just fell asleep." he whispered, chuckling softly.

y/n nodded, a soft hum escaping his lips. he shut his eyes, curling up in his small seat.

phil chuckled gently, reaching iver to rub the youngers back and hum to him. "sleep well." he mumbled to his youngest as he drifted back off to sleep.

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