Sorry is all i can give (Not edited)

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“HI; TYLER!: YOU HAVE TOO WAKE UP; YOU GOT SCHOOL! Someone shouted outside the door. I groaned, and Tyler just grined at me. I sat up and suddenly the door burst open, and Mrs. Lockwood walked in. I just looked at her and smiled cheap-ish at her.

“Oh, You two are back together I presume” she said while looking from me to Tyler. I just nodded.

“Oh, ok, but you two are going to school anyway” I nodded again, and she smiled at me. Carol was like my second mother and I loved her to death, but sometimes she was just so annoying. She walked out. Tyler held around my waist, while he kissed my shoulder.

“Come on, we have to go to hell school” Tyler said and walked to the bathroom. I smirked and jumped on his back.

“Giddy up, horsey” I sang while smacking his ass. He ran to the bathroom, and I got down. He turned and kissed me on the for head. I smiled up at him, and he smiled at me.


 We showered (no we didn’t do any funny things), had clothes on and did my makeup. I had a shorts, and tank top on. Smokey eyes and I did my hair.  It was a hot day and we didn’t have much of those here in mystic falls.

We walked down stairs. Carol had made her really good pancakes. LOVE THEM, and she knew that.

“Thank’s Mrs. Lockwood. I have missed you pancakes” I said to her and she smiled at me.

After that i and Tyler drove to school. We held hands and I looked around, suddenly I saw Bonnie and Elena. I saw Elena looking confused, and Bonnie talking to her.

“See you later, Girl talk.” I said while nodding over to Bonnie and Elena. He nodded and kissed me. I walked over to Bonnie an my sister

“Listen, I’m not saying don’t date the guy, I’m just saying take it slow” I heard Bonnie say. What had happened?

“Hi, what’s going on?” I asked while looking at Elena.

“Boy problems” She said, while glaring at Bonnie. Matt had practiced. Again. He was beginning to get good on stuffing butts

“Bonnie don’t want me to date Stefan” she said with a sorrow full face.

“That’s not what I said” Bonnie snapped. “I say just take it slow”

“Why the about- face? I asked her. She looked at me and frowned.

“it’s not an about face” She said. “You’re single for the first time in high school. It’s the perfect time to play the field” She said to Elena

“Oh, because she is so that girl” I Bonnie

“Bonnie, really. What is it?” Elena asked slightly worried.

Bonnie sighted “I accidently touched Stefan… and I got a really bad feeling” She said. I just scoffed. Yeah and I’m the wizard of ozz

“Thats it” I whispered yeld. Like really. Who does that to theyr best friend?.

“It was bad, bad” She said.

“Yeah, is this the hole witchy- mojo thing again. Because if it is, not cool” I said while glaring at her. I hadn’t seen my sister so happy since before our parents died and I was not letting Bonnie ruin it. I was maybe not the nicest person, but I protect family anyhow.

“know what? I’m just conserned”  Bonnie said after a while “This is me expressing concern about my best friend’s new boyfriend” She added. Elena smiled

“And I love you for it. I do. But I feel good. It’s been a hard year and I’m starting to kind of feel like things are getting back to normal again” I nodded at her statement and looked over on Bonnie.

Love story of a cocky vampireWhere stories live. Discover now