Bad move (Not edited)

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 “Yeah. See you” He answered. I walked inside and face palmed myself. He loved Katherine. She was under the church. I was almost shore that was the only reason he even was here. To get her out of there. I sighted and walked up to my room. I know how to pick them. One with rage trouble and one that love another woman.

I removed my makeup and brushed my mouth. I brushed my hair and had it in a braid. I lay down on my bed and I fell asleep. Thinking of how to find someone that I like that is normal.

I woke up. MONDAY?! Really? I groaned. I hate Mondays. Do you know why? Because I can’t sleep a long time and I like my sleep. I Love to sleep. That is like my hobby…

 I walked in to my closet and picked out my clothes. Black skinny jeans, black high held boots and a brown top. I took a shower, dried my hair and put on my clothes and some makeup. I grabbed my bag of my bed and walked downstairs.

“HI jer, Long time, no see” I said. He looked up and rolled his eyes. I rolled mine back and I saw his lips tug in the end. I hadn’t seen him smile since out parents… died

My phone began to ring and I looked at the caller id. I groaned.

“Hi, Lena, what’s up?” I asked her while making grimace with my face. I looked at Jeremy and he was fighting to hold back his laugh.

“Hi, I need you to come over here. Something have come up” She said in one breath.

“Ok, save your breath. You need it” I joked

“EIRIN” She yelled and I pulled the phone from my ear.

“NO NEED TO YELL” I yelled back even louder “crazy woman” I muttered and of course she heard.

“Just come over ok?” I sighted. She used her serious voice.

“Ok, I’ll be there in 10” I said and hung up.

“Got to go, favorite brother” I said while having some coffee in a paper cup with lock on it.

“Bye and btw I’m your only brother” He said. I rolled my eyes and went to my car. On the way I was thinking about why the hell I had to come over to the freaking mansion? Maybe the aliens attacked? That would be so cool.

I pulled up and walked to the door, coffee in one hand and my bag over a shoulder. I walked straight in and yelled.

“I’m in the house. I do not want to see any naked buts. OK?” I smirked and looked around.

BORING! No one was here! I took of my leather jacket and plopped down on the couch.

“Ohhh…. What are you doing here?” I heard Damon say behind me. I chuckled.

“THAT is the million dollar question” I said while looking back at him.  He raised one eyebrow and I laugh. He did so not suit serious!

“Lena called and something happened. That I had to come over” I said while standing up and dusting my bum of.

“Did she say what?” He asked. I just stared at him. Didn’t I just say I didn’t know why I was here? YEAH, I think I did! I closed my eyes and shook my head.

“I did just say I didn’t know, didn’t I?” I asked while looking at him weirdly.

“I mean, did she say that? Because she left like five minutes ago” I looked at him. I nodded my head slowly. I shrugged.

“That what you get when you don’t have an awesome sister” I sighted. Bad move…. BAD MOVE SIS!!! I walked over to my things and looked for my phone. Where did it go?

Love story of a cocky vampireWhere stories live. Discover now