The first look

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 This time the dedication will go to yet another great friend on here! You might know her as Witch_Light, but she is also named by Jaymee :P She is an amazing Bullshitter and one to go to if you want a torture lessons…intern joke! Well, what more is there to say than she is great and one of my best friends on here! She is nice, always helping out if you need her, she is one great girl and whit a heart of gold! <3

This song is one that a friend of mine have gotten me hocked on! It's great and just...plain awesome! XD Katherine101 is having the honor to showing it to me :P


The next day after school I, Bonnie, Caroline and Elena was meeting. We were outside the grill siting at a table whit just enough places for the four of us. The sun washing over the place making the weather a little hot, but the light breeze making it a little chilly as well. My bag was leaned on the stool I was sitting on, books and some writing stuff inside of it. My leather jacket was hanging on the back of the chair I was sitting on and a grey lose top, showed the top of my black lazed bra. Something my sister didn’t like and would never have been seen in…and so I got to hear this morning. I also wore a pair of black skinny jeans that was a little ripped some places. My high held shoes that seemed to always make sound were now quiet as my legs were crossed underneath the table. My usual curly hair was this morning actually straight after I used an hour to straighten it…was not a little curly again.

I twirled some of it around my index finger while nodding and talking to Caroline.  Our words flying freely around the place, neither of us caring if anyone heard. That was how I and she was…and people had seemed to not care anymore. After all it was a small town and people go used to people that were cool in their own weird way…

“I was talking to grams”. Bonnie started, making both my and Caroline’s heads snapped against her. Both of our eyes scanning her face and out lips pressed together in thin lines. I was shure that I and Care was more twins in our head than me and Elena sometimes… “And she said the comet was sign of impending doom. The last time it passed over Mystic Falls, there was a lot of death. So much blood and carnage it created a bed of paranormal activity” She continued when she saw that she had our full attention.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes while leaning back in the chair I was sitting in. I crossed my arms while looking at Bonnie.

“mhm... Yeah, and then you pored your grams another shot and she told you about the green aliens” I said sarcastically at her, eyeballing her like a crazy person would have. Caroline snickered silently while fast covering it whit a cough, and I started a little giggle too, but when mine and Care’s eyes met both of us started to plain out laughing at the joke I had cracked. Bonnie and Elena gave me a sour look while we did so and we tried to calm down. I felt a kick in the leg and my laugh died down while I glared at my twin.

“Why are we here” I asked, trying to get the conversation over to something else, but my narrowed gaze never left my twin.

“We are going to talk about what happened ant your house last night” Caroline said while she looked at me, her eyes twinkling whit excitement of new gossip.  I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at this. How did they know about the kiss? I hadn’t told anyone about me and Tyler... yet…

“Stefan and I just talked. It was nothing more” Elena said casually taking a sip of her coffee. Phew. Not me this time…But Elena and Stefan? Same room? Alone? Talking…all night long?

 “You and Stefan talked all night” Caroline asked with disbelieve clear in her girly girl voice.

 “No sloppy first kiss, or touchy- feely of any kind” I asked jokingly afterwards, sharing a wicked smirk whit my blond friend.

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