-brown haired boy-

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"come on elladora wake up! i'm not going to tell you again!" a strong hand shook me from my dreams. Blinking my eyes, Hermione came into focus. "For gods sake! Your mother says breakfast is ready!"
"alright, i'm coming stop shaking!" i grumbled in reply as she crossed her arms with that signature 'Hermione' look. Trust me that is enough to scare anyone out of bed. I rolled out of bed and dragged my feet over towards the wardrobe. My eyes flicked over my clothes and i eventually decided on a red skirt, a black long sleeve top and my bulgarian scarf.

I picked at the hem of my skirt and stared at my reflection, i had changed a lot over summer, i looked a lot more grown up and this outfit only emphasised that fact. hugging me tightly in all the right places.
"ELLA, RON, GINNY, HARRY!" my dads voice echoed off the walls of the burrow. i scampered out into the hall and collided into the brown- haired boy. "oh! Harry fancy seeing you here" I smiled and dusted myself off.
"Ehm yeah weird, we should uh..." his words fizzled off as his eyes wondered down my body. "...get downstairs" i finished for him, raising my eyebrows.
"yeah... that" he replied running a hand through his hair. He gestured for me to for me to go first, smiling i jumped downstairs to meet the others.


"COME ON EVERYONE KEEP UP" my dad bellowed as we entered the 30th minute of our walk.
"Easy for him to say, he didn't wake up 10 minutes before we left" fred scowled.
"Shh Freddie, don't be such a grump!" i grinned and jumped up to ruffle his hair.
"Get off you idiot!" he laughed and shoved me away.
"She is right you know twin 2." George teased. "you do tend to ruin the day." I continued, threading my arm through George's.
"My hate for you two grows every day." Fred grumbled. George clutched at his chest and pretended to be shot as i collapsed in giggles beside him.
"He is just jealous Ella." George shook his head pitifully.
"Jealous?! Of what?! You!"
"Yes me!" He shoved me playfully. "Oh Ella, just wait till you hear our latest prank idea..."


Another hour passed before i heard voices from up ahead. Thank god, my thighs have been chafing this whole time and I was desperate to have a rest.
"Arthur!" a short stubby man called heartfully.
"everyone this is Amos Diggory, works with me at the ministry. Ah and this strapping young man must be Cedric am i right?" Dad spoke back with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. A familiar hufflepuff smiled back, his eyes wondering all over the group and coming to rest at me. I raised my eyebrows playfully and he winked back. The rest of the group continued walking, leaving me and cedric alone at the back of the crowd.
"weasley" he spoke softly.
"diggory" i smiled back.
"how was your summer?"
"amazing, how was yours?"
"good, hey... we don't need to talk about last year if you don't want to" he glanced over at me.
"i've missed you cedric. I wanted to write so bad but a combination of earl being a terrible owl and not knowing what to say has held me back." I did not dare stare back at him as i spoke. He paused then spoke again.
"My feelings are the same as i told you last year and i don't want us to rush into anything. What about just one date then we see how it goes?" he looked at me hopefully.
"Sure Cedric. We can do that." i breathed out heavily. The silence filled the air quickly and he reached for my head. With a certain sense of hesitation, i allow him to wrap his hand around mine. His hands were warm and his fingers gripped me tightly, but still something about it felt wrong. People had always expected us to be a couple, from the moment we saw each other. As horrible as it sounds, i loved the attention that Cedric gave me and i loved the idea of a 'back up boyfriend' as Hermione once nicknamed him back in our 3rd year.

But despite my internal struggle, we continued walking and soon all we could talk about was quidditch. In fact, the conversation was so good i found myself being slightly disappointed when we reached the port key. Harry eyes darted between people with a strange look as we all grabbed ahold of the dusty boot lying on the hillside. "It's a port key Harry" I dropped Cedric's hand to grab Harry's and pulled him down beside me. As soon as Harrys finger tip touched the shoe, the ground twisted away from us and I felt air press in on me from all sides, forcing me closer to Harry.
"Let go kids!" Dad shouted over the wind.
"WHAT?!" hermione's shrieked back.
"LET GO!!" Dad shouted again, his voice spiralling in the background as I released my grip on the boot. My body hurtled towards the ground and i landed on the grass with a hard thump, a sharp pain shooting up my spine. Looking around I saw some of the others scattered on the ground beside me. Harry tapped me and pointed towards the sky. I whipped my head up and saw 3 figures floating down slowly, treading their legs as if they were walking on water. Cedric landed gracefully next to me and trying not to laugh , he offered me his hand. Once again they felt soft and warm as I gripped onto them. With a sharp tug he pulled me to my feet and using his hand softly, he turned my head 180 degrees. My jaw dropped in awe as i took in the sight ahead of me. Tents as far as the eye could see, each one slightly different from the rest, thousands upon thousands of wizards and witches walked about, laughing and talking.
"Look Ella, your dad is trying to figure out the muggle money again" Cedric laughed and pointed towards my poor dad as he attempted to pay the muggle at the sign in desk. I saw Harry hurry over and help.

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