-never have I ever-

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"There's no one like Krum" Ron said with a giddy smile.
"Dum Krum" the twins said in unison. They began to flap their arms around Ron.
"He's like a bird, the way he rides the wind" Ron continued, glancing around for support.
"Think you're in love ron" ginny laughed. I let out a loud giggle.
"Viktor i love you, Viktor i do, when we're apart my heart beats only for you!" we all sang in unison.
"oh shut up!" he scowled back.
"hey you know what we should do? play never have i ever." hermione strolled over with a bottle of fire whiskey.
"who are you and what have u done with hermione granger?!" Ron laughed.
"what?! mr weasleys gone out to celebrate with ludo and we have the tent to ourselves" she waved the fire whiskey.
"alright then let's do it" i said, with a wink.

I went first "never have i ever, had a three some", i looked around to see Fred, George and Ginny taking a sip.
"GINNY" Ron screamed.
"What, ella asked?" Ginny smiled back before saying "never have i ever kissed someone who's name i didn't know?"
i bite my lip and took a shot, so did Hermione and Cedric. I saw Harry look at me.
"never have i ever had sex" hermione said, blushing. i raised my glass again, so did Harry, Cedric, Fred, George and Ginny. Cedric winked at me, i smirked back.
"Wait Ron you haven't?" hermione asked frowning slightly.
"well, um, i've sorta been waiting on the right person, i know it's stupid." He said turning a deep shade of red.
"actually, i think that's rather sweet" Hermione said back, gently touching his arm.
"Hey, get a room you two some of us are trying to play!" george said, shooing them out of the way as he went to take his turn.
"Never have i ever wanted to have sex with someone other than my partner" he said with a smile. Almost immediately Harry's eyes darted to me, i met his gaze and bit my lip. I don't like Harry, I like Cedric. So why do i feel a pang inside in my chest when i look at Harry. I saw him let out a deep breath and looked away from me. I was too busy looking at Harry to notice Ginny taking another swig of her drink. Sometimes i wish i was like her, she went after what she wanted, no matter what. Ginny would never be in this situation, she would figure it out. She's so amazing.

Ron went up next, "so the opposite of the last one, Never have i ever liked someone who is in a relationship" Harry sighed then took a sip of his drink, closing his eyes and tilting his head back as he drank. I felt butterflies flutter in places, i hadn't expected. I quickly darted my eyes away. As i did, i saw hermione looking at me with a slight smile on her face. i quickly dismissed it as the fire whiskeys effect. Cedric wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer, i think he might've noticed Harry too. We weren't doing anything wrong though, Cedric wasn't my boyfriend. The thing was Cedric was familiar to me, everything about him was like home, the way he smelt, the way his arms felt around me. And i guess that for some people the comfort of home is good but i needed passion and adventure. When Harry looks at me i felt butterflies. Cedric was like a nice summer breeze but Harry was wind. His gaze tore me apart more than Cedric ever had.

The game continued and the more fire whiskey i drank, the more i thought of harry. I couldn't do this any more i had to tell Cedric.
"hey" i whispered. "wanna go for a walk?" i gazed at cedric.
"sure" he smiled back. He took my hand and together we walked out into the darkness. I felt Harry's eyes follow us out.
"So cedric I kinda wanted to talk about something" i said quietly. For a few seconds the only sound was our feet on the leaves. He stopped and turned to look at me.
"Ella, don't worry, I see the way you and Harry have been staring at each other. It's okay, honestly i've been thinking for a while. We had a good time, me and you, but i'm fine with jsut being friends." He said and smiled at me.
"Cedric i- i'm sorry, i didn't want this to happen, i do love you but like a brother or a best friend" i smiled back.
"friends?" he asked.
"friends." i said back. "we should probably head back"
"let's go" he nodded his head towards the direction of the tent. Our feet crunched at the leaves, as he walked back. Suddenly, screams erupted from the campsite. I began to run towards the tent. Everyone was in there, what if someone had got hurt??

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