the first task

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Christmas was fun at the burrow as usual, me and harry were talking again which was a bonus, I suppose. I got the most gorgeous knitted jumper from mum, we don't have a lot but the gifts are always thoughtful, to us it's more than enough.
I wrote to cedric quite a few times over the holidays as well, i felt bad mostly. We had agreed to be friends but i had been too caught up in my own life to even catch up with him.
As for draco, we hadn't spoke since that morning. I had left for the burrow the next day and i didn't bother to say goodbye. In fact after a week alone, i decided that he was not worth all the trouble.

The first task took place a few weeks after the christmas holidays ended. Harry and Ron had been figuring out ways to beat the dragon for days before professer moody gave harry some advice. Personally i don't trust that man, he smells disgusting and is always drinking from a weird flask but if Harry wants to take his advice, who am i to judge?

The morning of the first task, i was sitting on the bench near the lake when a familiar voice spoke from behind me
"hey ella"
"cedric!" i smiled and patted my hand on the bench beside me. He sat.
"will you come and watch me at the task today?"
"of course" i replied as i stared out into the lake.
"listen ella, i know it isn't my place" he sighed "but you should stay away from malfoy, he's not someone you want to be involved with."
"i heard rumours that people have seen you talking at that slytherin party before christmas and i just want you to know that, as your friend, i don't think it's a smart idea." he looked at me concerned.
"not that it's your business cedric but i haven't talked to draco since that night and i have no intention to" i said harshly.
"okay well good, come watch me later" he looked away as he stood up. I simply nodded in return.

That afternoon, i found myself sitting in between Ron and Hermione, who were still annoyed at each other over the yule hall situation, waiting for the task to begin. I looked at the people around me and was surprised to see a pair of grey eyes staring at me from a little while away. I glared at him then broke the eye contact. Who the hell did he think he was? I mean throwing me out of his room after doing all that stuff, whispering empty promises into my ear. It's pathetic really.

Suddenly Dumbledores voice echoed around the arena "Welcome pupils and teachers to the first task of the triwizard tournament! Let me remind you that these tasks are not going to be easy. In the first task each champion will come out into the arena and face a dragon" he paused for dramatic affect, which worked as whispers were heard all around the stadium " They will then have to collect a golden egg from the dragon. This egg is crucial as it contains a clue that is necessary for the next task. I wish each of our champions the best of luck. First up..... from hogwarts Mr Cedric Diggory!" Cheers erupted from all around but none as loud as mine.

Cedric, Fleur and Krum had collected their eggs easily, each demonstrated their skills. Next up was Harry. He walked out into the arena looking like a pebble compared to the size of the dragon. My heart was beating out of my chest as i watched his broom soar through the air towards him. Please god let him catch it. YES! I leapt into the air as he swung himself onto the broom. He flew towards the sky and the dragon followed. WHAT THE FUCK. a snap indicated that the chains holding the dragon down had broke and now there was a dragon loose in the stadium. A whoop came from behind me and i whipped around to glare at them. I met the dark eyes of blaise zabini as he and his gang laughed at Harry. However they weren't the only eyes looking at me. A few people over from Blaise stood a pair of grey, piercing eyes glared at me. I wasn't even going to give him the satisfaction of looking back at him. By the time my eyes returned to arena floor both harry and the dragon had disappeared. The crowd was anxious, very anxious. Suddenly Harry burst from the side of the stadium and soared towards the egg, his hand reached down and he grabbed it.

Fred and george carried Harry about half of the way back from the task. When we neared the woods i slowed down to gather my thoughts. What was i going to do about Draco? I could never trust him to tell the truth with me, i mean he is the most bipolar, insensitive, annoyingly handsome man i have ever known. Who is the real Draco Malfoy?
"Ella" a voice whispered from behind a tree.
"hello?" i glanced around me, suddenly wary of how alone i was. "who's there?" i asked slightly louder.
"it's me" the voice replied and a figure appeared from behind a tree.
"Well, i'll be dammed" i spat "Hello Draco fucking Malfoy"

mature content in this chapter

"ella." he smiled weakly.
"what do you want draco."
"i just want to talk. I-i think we should talk." he stared at his feet. The silence between us rose like the sun, slow at first then all at once. Yet as awkward as it became, i found myself speechless at how genuinely sad he looked.
"okay. Talk." i said after a long silence. He took a tentative step towards me. "you never wrote over the break."
"you expected me to write?!" i scoffed, "after everything you said? You're pathetic draco. This horrible, fuck boy, bully act isn't going to cut it any more. If you want me in your life as a friend or as- as more, you have to show that."
He nodded slowly. "I'm trying Ella, it's hard to undo years of being told that weasleys are blood traitors and filthy but i'm trying."
He swallowed and took another step towards me. Everything screamed at me to move backwards away from him but my feet stayed still and my heart thudded traitorously against my ribs. He was inches from my face now and his breath tickled. Slowly he leaned forward and kissed me softly. His palm came to rest on my cheek, holding my face in his hands. This kiss was different from before, whereas the last kiss was passionate and full of unfulfilled lust, this kiss was soft and sweet. A touch of gentleness that i hadn't experienced before with draco, or anyone. We broke apart and we stayed like that for a while. Staring at each other, lips inches apart, touches of smiles appearing on our faces. In that moment i knew he felt it too. I could see an unfamiliar emotion flash in his eyes as he stared into mine and for a second i forgot about everything. I forgot about his cruel words. I forgot about our friends and our families. I forgot about everything else but him. And it was nice. For those few precious moments we were simply a boy and a girl. But that was all we could ever be, a few precious tear drops in the oceans that were our lives. He knew it. I knew it. Yet we stayed, smiling like children, trying to drag every last memory out of our moment.

After a while, he released me slowly and trailed his fingers down to interlock with mine. "Walk with me." He said. I smiled back and we walked towards the castle. "You realise we are doomed."
"i know." I sighed. "A modern day romeo and juliet." He smiled weakly and stopped walking.
"Ella look at me." I obeyed. "I am a malfoy and you are a weasley. We can never be together, we have no future."
My heart dropped, "What the fuck was all that then?" i wrenched my hand away from his and for a second i saw the flash of hurt in his eyes.
"God you really are pathetic. I can't believe that for a moment there i really thought you had changed."
"Don't call me that!" I snapped. Angry at myself. His eyes turned dark and angry.
"Fine, what do you want me to call you? Weasley? Blood traitor? Filthy slut? Take your pick!"
The silence rose again between us and i glared at him, red tinting my vision. He rolled his tongue against the inside his cheek and he laughed harshly. "You'd love that wouldn't you? Being called a filthy fucking whore, wouldn't you?" He smirked and my cheeks glowed even redder. "You'd love to be a slut for me wouldn't you?"
I could feel myself getting wet and i hated myself for it. Only draco could do this to me, turn my anger into lust. He took a step towards me and the old draco was back. Gone was the boy who had held my face only moments before. His hand reached out to grab my chin.
"just say those pretty words darling. I need to see those lips begging for me before i touch you."
"i don't beg draco" i said quietly, though part of me wanted to get on my knees right there and beg for him until my legs bled and my tongue went dry.
His eyes darkened "wrong answer. Turn around." Before i could reply, his hands gripped my waist turning me and pushing me up against a tree. I could feel him pressing into and i knew how much he wanted me. His hands slipped up my legs and lifted my skirt, exposing my ass to the cool air. His hands grabbed before he sharply lifted them and brought them down. A pain ripples through my body and i yelped out in pain.
"count them out." He whispered into my ear.
He spanked me again and i cried out. "Ella- count- them- out" each word was punctuated with a sharp slap. "6!" I spoke through gritted teeth.
"Good girl." He said lowly and ran his hands over the red spot on his ass. "Stay like this for another minute then fix yourself and walk back to the castle." And with those words he turned and walked away, leaving me exposed against a tree. I stayed like that for a few moments catching my breath before i stood up properly and fixed my skirt, my hair and wiped the tears from my face. Despite the pain, i had liked that. And despite my growing hatred for him and his volatility, i could feel another emotion rising in me. Whether it was lust or something stronger i could not tell. All i knew was that when i locked eyes with him across the great hall at dinner, his eyes softened and my heart may have missed a beat.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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