-The big announcement-

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"I swear this food tastes better every time I eat it" Ron says shoving more chicken into his mouth. A bit of it flies from his fork onto my face.
"Only you would notice that Ronald" hermione sighs handing me a napkin to wipe my face with. I've missed their constant bickering, both constantly trying to pretend there is nothing else going on.
The hall becomes increasingly louder, each crack and crevice filled with laughter and chatter. As we finish stuffing our stomachs with all types of roast, potatoes, pies, vegetables. The golden plates disappear as they do every year and a silence falls over the hall.
Professor Dumbledore makes his way towards to podium as every eye follows him.
"Good evening students, so wonderful to see all your faces, new and old. We have a big surprise for you all this year although knowing hogwarts i am almost certain everyone in this room was aware of that before your arrival tonight." He pauses to glance around at all of us. "Hogwarts will not only be your home this year, but home to some rather special guests, i shall explain more later but please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of beuxbatons academy of magic and their headmistress Madame Maxime"
Almost on cue, the doors of the great hall fly open, revealing a huge group of girls, all shapes and sizes and all incredibly beautiful. They begin to float down towards Dumbledore, revealing blue birds as they walk. Their blue dresses fit them so well, almost shimmering in the candlelight. Then I catch a glimpse of their headmistress, at least 10ft tall in a long flowing gown. She was breathtaking.
"That is one tall women" Seamus whispers beside me.
A tall, slim blonde women and a younger version of her finish their act and the hall explodes in applause. Dumbledore makes his way forward and kisses Madame Maxime on her hand.
"Welcome beuxbatons! Now please welcome the gentlemen of Drumstrang and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff"
The doors again fly open to reveal a group of men covered head to toe in brown thick clothes. They begin their walk towards Dumbledore, showing off some magic with their staffs. Karkaroff looks dangerous, i get a weird vibe off him. He shakes hands with Dumbledore and takes his seat.
Once the applause and chatter has died down, Dumbledore resumes his speech.
"A warm welcome to our guests!" He nodded towards both parties. "So by now I'm sure you are all terribly excited to hear the news. Hogwarts will be hosting the triwizard Tournament. To further explain please join me in welcoming Mr Bartimous Crouch from the MoM"
A rather familiar man walked towards Dumbledore and the stage.
"Hey" Ron whispered. "Isn't that Percys boss?"
I shifted in my seat to get a better view.
"I think so? What would he be doing in hogwarts?" I whispered back.
"No clue, but I'll guess we are about to find out" Ron nodded his head towards Crouch.
"The triwizard tournament is a wizarding competition in which three schools, each with their own representative, compete in 3 tasks. 3 extremely dangerous tasks." Said Crouch.
"Wicked" the twins whispered in unison.
"However" crouch continued. "Due to the nature of this competition, the ministry has concluded that no student under the age of 17 shall be eligible to enter the tournament."
Almost immediately after he spoke, the hall erupted in shouts and protests. All be it, most of them where from my older brothers.
"That's rubbish" George shouted.
"He's got to be kidding" Fred huffed.
"SILENCE" Dumbledores voice echoed through the hall. "This is the goblet of fire"
On cue, Crouch revealed a giant cup, bronzed by time but still elegant. The blue flames sparkled in the dim light, almost daring people to touch them.
"anyone wishing to enter must merely write their name on a piece of parchment, and throw it into the flame. But be warned, if chosen you stand alone." Dumbledore spoke gravely.
"I wish nothing but good luck to whoever may represent each school. But only one will hoist this vessel of victory, this chalice of champions. The triwizard cup!"
Crouch appeared beside Dumbledore holding a giant trophy. It's handles as silver as moonlight. It had an enticing blue aura surrounding it, making it appear to glow.

I doubt anyone slept much that night, the castle unanimously staying awake to process the nights events. Dumbledore had promised eternal glory to the person who won. I, for one, would love the idea of eternal glory. As selfish and pretentious as that sounds, who wouldn't love to go down in history. Harry didn't seem so keen on the idea as me and Ron but then again when you have the spotlight on you 24/7, why have more.

Over the following week, George and Fred kept trying to come up with ideas on how to get past the age line that Dumbledore had drawn around the goblet of fire. Eventually, with my help, they decided on brewing an ageing potion.
"Come on ella, you helped, you've got to be there to watch us cross that line" Fred persisted after i informed him that I would be spending the evening in the library.
"Fred's right ella, come on!" George appeared on the other side of me.
"I want to read guys, good luck though!" I smiled at them as i dashed off towards the library.

The table in which I normally sat was in one of the corners, next to a huge arched window. I loved sitting there, reading, watching the rain on the window. Because of the secluded nature of my spot, it was often quiet but tonight the library was empty except for Madame pince and myself. Sighing happily to myself, I sat down and pulled out my book.
To kill a mockingbird.
The spine was cracked and several pages have coffee rings on them but to me it was perfect. For a while I sat beside the window as I explored the mind of scout finch for the thousandth time. Until a familiar voice cut through the silence, slicing through my bubble.
"Haven't you already read that?" Draco pointed towards the book in my hands.

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