fire and french kissing

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The next few weeks passed in a blur, each day seemed to pass quicker than the last. Me and Harry had barely spoken since that night. When I had returned back to the common room, I saw Harry drunk on the sofa. So I decided to confront him about the date the following morning.
When confronted, however, he simply shrugged saying he had more important people to talk to. He was being very secretive recently and more than once I had to remind him that I was one of the only people who believed him.

On the other hand though, potions with Draco was becoming increasingly more funny. We sat at the back of the class so as long as neither of our friends spotted us laughing, we could have fun. I admit that he still is quite two faced, on more than once occasion he has called me a blood traitor. But then I also have to admit that I was finding quite a friend in Draco malfoy.

Harry had found out through some elaborate game of Chinese whispers that the first task contained something to do with a dragon. I could tell he was nervous and Ron was not helping, just the other day they had another argument. I had watched it all. I had been sitting with Cedric and his friends, whom I know quite well, discussing the task when we watched them have quite the chat. Which ended with Harry telling Ron to stay away from him.
Due to my inner friend group falling apart, i was spending more and more time with Cedric. We really had became closer friends, I love him, like a brother of course.
"So everyone's having a sort of party in the room of requirement tonight after the task, you have got to come!" Cedric whispered.
"Will there be alcohol?" I asked.
"Of course." He laughed.
"I'll be there"

I could still feel the adrenaline in my veins as I got changed for the party. I pulled on a baby pink silk, slip dress. Smoothing down the creases, I looked in the mirror. I looked rather pretty. Harry had came and apologised to me right after dinner for his behaviour the past few weeks, and had asked me to be his date to the party. Of course i said yes.
I could feel tonight would be good as even Ron and harry had made up and where downstairs laughing at this very moment. Life was going back to normal, well as normal as it can be. I stepped out my room, and walked towards the stairs. I saw Harry's eyes widen as he saw me.
"Ella, you- you look beautiful" he said, offering me his hand.
Together we all made our way towards the room of requirement.

The music was blasting and everyone was having a good time. I was on my 3rd shot of fire whiskey when someone suggested a game of spin the bottle. Cedrics hufflepuff friends joined in, as did Malfoys slytherin gang, a few ravenclaws and of course me and my friends.
Someone came up with a clever version in which someone would spin the bottle and the person it lands on could either take a shot or answer a truth or dare. It was definitely interesting.

A few rounds passed and finally the bottle landed on me, I looked up the see that Cedric had been the spinner.
"Truth or dare ella" he said.
"Dare" i answered confidently.
"Hmm i dare you to kiss malfoy." Cedric said laughing slightly.
"You have to kiss malfoy" Cedric laughed again.
"Don't tell me you're scared of a little kiss weasley" draco smirked.
My heart was beating so fast as I moved towards draco. Cedric was dying of laughter beside me. I shut my eyes and leaned forward.
My lips met dracos and we kissed, moving to our own rhythm, for a moment it felt like we were the only ones in the room.
I could feel his tongue in my mouth. Holy shit this man is a good kisser.
Suddenly i became aware of where we were and I broke away. Dracos cheeks looked slightly flushed as he wiped his thumb over his lip, smirking slightly.
"Not bad weasley"
I sat back down and Harry's arm instantly went round my waist.
"Relax harry it's just a game" i smiled at him.
But Did I truly believe that? Or was that kiss something that had been waiting to happen for a while?


My back arched and moans spilled out my mouth as he pounded me from behind. I could feel his hands grabbing my hair, pulling. Suddenly he stopped and pulled out leaving me wanting more and more of him. He grabbed my hips tightly and flipped me over so I was facing him. Those grey eyes pierced into mine as he ran his hands over my body. His blonde hair falling over his eyes as it lay floppy.
"Say my name" he whispered into my ear.

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