-Death Eaters-

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People in black cloaks marched through the campsite. Setting fire to each tent they could find. I was still running towards our tent, when i felt an arm pull me away.
"what are you doing? are you stupid?!" Dracos voice cut through the air. He gripped my arm tighter and pulled me towards the woods.
"WHAT? STOP DRACO LET ME GO, I HAVE TO GO BACK, I HAVE TO MAKE SURE THEY ARE OKAY?? Ginny, hermione, ron and Ha-harry." my voice broke as i spoke his name.
"trust me" he said as he pulled me deeper into the woods. "the last person you want to be near right now is Harry Pottah" he spat the last word out as if it hurt him to say.
"what's that supposed to mean?? Is he in trouble. DRACO MALFOY, YOU ANSWER ME RIGHT NOW!" i tried to stop walking but his grip on my arm was too strong. He kept pulling me.
"DRACO! STOP!" i shouted again. a rustle in the bushes made me stop shouting. He pushed me up against a tree and put his hand over my mouth.
"shut up weasley, are you trying to let people know where we are" he scowled at me. His face was radiating rage as he glared down at me. His hand still clamped over my mouth. His body was pressed up against me as he held me in place. The rustling grew quieter, and he removed his hand.
"draco" i said quietly. "what's going on?"
He looked at me, then bit his lip. "It's death eaters, but you can't tell anyone, i'm not supposed to know either." He spoke, his eyes darting about as if he was making sure we were alone.
"what? but- what?" i said. but before i could get any more answers, we heard footsteps and shouts coming from behind us.
"ELLA! ELLA WHERE ARE YOU?" I could hear ron's voice.
"ELLA PLEASE ANSWER, ELLA?" Harry sounded worried. Draco took one more look at me then ran away from the voices.
I ran towards the voices, and soon enough i could see their outlines.

Harry's arms flung around me. "Ella, jesus you scared us, we saw th-the mark and i, well i thought that maybe they got you." he held me tight.
"wait mark? what mark?" i asked, pulling away from him. Ron pulled me in towards him and said "the dark mark ella, you had us all worried, can't lose my sister yet" he said, his voice breaking. i hugged him back.
"it's okay guys, i'm okay, i saw them, the death eaters i mean but then dra- i mean then i ran in the opposite direction" something in me knew it wasn't a good idea to mention draco. the adrenaline coursing through our veins meant that my little slip up went unnoticed.
"Wait so what happened, where are the others? what about ginny and hermione and fred? what about george and dad??" i had too many questions flooding my brain.
"yeah, everyone's okay, they're all waiting back at the port key, fred and george were ment to be coming with me to find you but Harry volunteered and he wouldn't take no for an answer" Hermione laughed slightly. I looked at Harry.
"you wouldn't?" i asked. He blushed and ran a hand through his hair.
"let's just get back to the port key" harry mumbled. i smiled slightly. I began to walk but felt Hermione hold me back. 
"Listen, I see how you and harry at staring at each other and i know he cares about you." she began to walk. "i just worry about how ron will react, i mean you know how protective he gets over you, just promise me you'll be careful" she glanced at me wearily. i smiled.
"Of course." i said, "don't worry, i know ron and i know how to handle him"


Back in the burrow, we sat cuddled up with blankets and hot cocoa. Mum bustled about bringing plates upon plates of food and hot drinks.
"so tell me again, what happened?" Mum asked for the 4th time.
"we've told you Mum, they attacked those muggles, set fire to some tents and someone set off the dark mark" ron said. Mum shook her head and pulled dad in for a hug.
"i know molly, i know but we are all okay so nothing to worry about dear" dad patted her back.
"nothing?!" mum shrieked. "nothing?! there was death eaters arthur and the mark. that bloody mark, don't tell me that is nothing!!" she shook her head again then mumbled something about making some more tea and left the room. An uncomfortable silence followed. It was uncommon in the burrow for there to be silence, it was unnerving. I felt a finger touch mine underneath the blanket. Looking up i realised it was harry's. He wasn't looking at me but his pinky finger had completely wrapped over mine. I felt a flutter in my heart.

Another hour or so passed before people began to go upstairs. First Ginny then Mum and dad then fred and george. One by one until just me, harry, ron and hermione were left. "you know" hermione started "snuffles would want to hear about this" she glanced at harry. Snuffles was our code name for Harry's godfather sirius, and although i know that hermione was right and that sirius would want to know, i couldn't help but think that this was a bad time to talk about sirius. Ron seemed to think this as well as he quickly mentioned something about getting some sleep and hinted that hermione should to. She took one more look at me and harry then retreated upstairs.

A minute or so went by, neither me nor harry knew what to say or do. Finally i broke the silence
"it's going to be okay" i let out a breathe i didn't realise i was holding in. He looked at me for the first time in hours
"it's just strange ella" he said sadly "i mean i have a dream about voldemort and some death eaters then they turn up at the world cup, it's just strange" he finished then quickly looked down. Moving my hand closer to his i spoke "you think it could be a coincidence?"
"maybe, but i don't have a good feeling"
"well whatever happens, we can sort it out together, me, you, ron and hermione"
he smiled softly as i said that. The silence returned.
After a while he spoke "So what's going on with you and cedric, i know you two had a thing last year and i- well i know it's not my place to ask but i feel like we keep having these moments, so is he your boyfriend?"
"Well we did have something but I don't like him like that so no he's not my boyfriend" i said back. His face lit up.
"but tonight during the game, you guys left the tent, i thought maybe..." he trailed off.
"nothing happened, we left so i could tell him that i only like him as a friend"
"what changed?" he asked.
"what?" i asked back.
"I know you seemed pretty close before summer so what changed?" he elaborated.
"well i guess, i started to notice someone else, and i couldn't do that to cedric" i could feel myself turning red. Harry noticed too.
I saw a glint in his eye as he spoke "someone else huh"
"yes harry" i said, blushing deeper. His eyes left mine and made their way to my lips. He stared at them for a second, then looking me in the eyes he said with a smirk
"who would that be?"
I had never seen this side of harry before, normally he was just awkward but now he was confident and god did he look hot.
"well..um" i began to talk but the words couldn't find their way out my mouth. I was too distracted by his eyes as he stared into mine. He began to move closer to me, one hand on mine and the other trailed up the side of my leg. He shifted closer still and we found ourselves inches away from each other. I could feel his hot breath against my lips.

Suddenly a creak from the stairs made us jump back.
A very tired Ginny emerged from the darkness "how are you guys still awake?" she mumbled.

Me and harry sat in silence until ginny had got her water and went back upstairs. I turned to look at Harry, as soon as our eyes met we both began to laugh. Once our laughter had died down, he looked at me again, more serious this time.
"You will be mine one day Elladora" and with those words he went upstairs, leaving me alone on the sofa

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