(Final Chapter) Chapter 87 Royal Endings

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No one's POV

It's been a few days and Nhazul and Akira had been trying their best to spend a little more time with everyone before they had to leave, Nhazul and Akira went with Ryuji to his favorite Ramen spot one last time, as well as go with Yusuke to his art exhibit where he won first place for his new piece. Nhazul had went to another one of Ann's shoots and Mika was caught for tricking the other models in not showing up, but once it was settled, the two of them form a rivalry. Haru informed Nhazul that she be opening her own cafe after college with her own standards in legacy of her grandfather. Futaba and her friend Kana had once again gotten much closer as well as her finally being comfortable being out by herself without anyone she know. Sumire had been able to develop a new routine that's a mix between her and Kasumi which impressed Hiraguchi. And Nhazul and Makoto found a way to spend one final day together and she informed him that Eiko and her had once again became friends as well as her deciding to go to college. But unfortunately, the day had finally come, the day before both Nhazul and Akira had to leave and Akira had gone on ahead to say his goodbyes to everyone and Nhazul has gotten dressed and headed downstairs with Morgana. And was met by Futaba and Sojiro.

Sojiro: Hey. You and Akira are finally taking off tomorrow....

Nhazul: Yup.

Futaba: Sojiro said you and Akira had the day off today.

Nhazul: Oh how very kind of him.

Sojiro: I already told Akira, go and see your friends before you leave.

Nhazul: Telling me something I was already going to do.

Sojiro: Well, off you go then.

Nhazul then looked back at Futaba.

Nhazul: Well, I guess I should start with you then.

Futaba: Before you do, I got some good news. Kana passed her high school entrance exam! She sent me a message this morning!

Nhazul: Really now? Tell her I said congratulations.

Futaba: I told her I was getting into high school too, and she says we'll make our student debuts together! So like I did it! Right? I fulfilled the promise to go to high school?

Nhazul: That you did, my young padawan.

Futaba: G-Good...It's kind of embarrassing though...If I'm being honest, I'm actually...really, really nervous about it... I dunno if I can make friends, this is way out of my comfort zone, everything I think about's giving me anxiety...But I know I can't stay in my room forever. And that's way more important. And I wanna get into college. Major in real cognitive psience. Like mom and Dr. Maruki.

Nhazul just crossed his arms and looked at Futaba.

Nhazul: Wow...You've definitely come along way. Before you couldn't step out of your room and now look at you.

Futaba smiled at Nhazul and pulled something out which was the notebook where she wrote her promise list in and then she looked down saddened.

Futaba: So... I want you to have this...It's proof I'm moving on...! Cause I only change this much because of this notebook and you of course...

As Futaba handed Nhazul the notebook, he saw her trying her hardest not to cry, but falling with tears steaming down her face.

Futaba: So....If you ever feel lonely...Just look at this notebook and remember that I've got your back, okay....?

Nhazul just looked at Futaba smiling and then spoke up.

Nhazul: You know, in video games, once you reach the end of the story, the key item you've been holding onto disappears.

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