Empress Confidant Rank 1 to 9

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(A/N) Oh boy, here we go...

No one's POV

It's the end of the school day and Haru has asked Nhazul if he could meet her on the rooftop after school and he walked up there and saw her working on her garden.

Nhazul: Yo, Sachi.

Haru: Oh, hello Nhazul.

Nhazul: Did you need me for something or did you want to confess your love for me?

Haru then looked at Nhazul blushing.

Haru: N-No! Nothing like that. I was just wondering if you'd come with me to Leblanc. I would like to bring my most recent harvest to Sojiro for his opportunity on them.

Nhazul: Sure, why not.


After Haru packed up her harvest, the two of them headed towards Leblanc to show them to Sojiro.

Haru: Hello, Sojiro. I'm sorry for asking this of you.

Sojiro: It's all good. Not like I have customers to deal with.

Nhazul: Yeah, he's used to that.

Sojiro: Can it. But anyway, is this what you grew?

Haru: Yea. I'd like an honest opinion from a culinary professional.

Nhazul: "Professional" is a strong word.

Sojiro: I said can it! Anyway, let me see.

Sojiro then took a look at what Haru grew and gave it a try.

Sojiro: To be honest, both the taste and appearance are the opposite of what I'd call market grade.

Haru: I see. But, it's impressive you managed to grew anything at all on a rooftop of all places.

Haru: I'm honored to hear you say that.

Sojiro: Y'know...I can't say it tasted good. But it was actually somewhat refreshing. Kinda like how you feel after taking bitter medicine.

Haru: Hmmm...I first came across the plant in my house...It's possible that it's an experimental breed created for use at Okumura Foods...

Nhazul: Sounds like the start of that one mobile game.

Haru: Thank you very for the input, Sojiro. I'll take note of that.

After Sojiro left to head to the store, Nhazul looked at Haru.

Nhazul: So....That go as you planned?

Haru: He was right. That was the same thought I had. I think I understand what Sojiro meant he said they were refreshing.

Nhazul: Well, keep working at it. So instead of being refreshing, they can be delicious.

Haru: I agree! But Nhazul, um...do you think you could help me again sometime? Like you did today.

Nhazul: Sure, I don't mind.

Haru then smiled at Nhazul.

Haru: Then it's a deal! I'll do my best from now on!

I am thou, thou art I... Thou hast acquired a new vow.

It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chains of captivity.

With the birth of the Empress Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power...

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